Index – Foreign – Trump pardoned two turkeys again this Thanksgiving


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, in a ceremony in the rose garden of the White House, gave grace to two turkeys, according to the tradition before Thanksgiving. The ceremony took place around the same time as the presentation of key members of the Democratic Party presidential candidate Joe Biden, but the incumbent president did not say a word about the return process. Wishing Americans a happy and healthy vacation, in the company of the first lady, Melania Trump, and invited guests, he gave thanks to two turkeys named Corn and Corncob, who can thus live their lives on an Iowa farm.

Thanksgiving is one of the most important national holidays for Americans and is celebrated each year on the fourth Thursday in November. According to the tradition preserved by the first American settlers, they thank God for the harvest at that time. However, the content of the holiday has now been expanded and experts say it is one of the celebrations of the creation of American national identity. Turkey will be on the table for all American families at a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, writes the telegraph office.

In his short speech, Donald Trump expressed it this year: a special thanks is due to the doctors, nurses, health workers, scientists who are involved in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. In his speech, he again called the “Chinese virus” China’s widespread corona virus.

(Cover image: Hannah Mckay / Reuters)
