Index – Foreign – This is the glorious end, the House of Representatives in Washington voted to remove Donald Trump


In 232-197, the Washington Federal House of Representatives voted Wednesday in favor of the constitutional impeachment of Donald Trump, the so-called impeachment. He is the first president in American history to do this for the second time. As his personal account was permanently suspended by Twitter, the outgoing Republican president stood out from the public through the official White House channel. He did not mention the impeachment in his video, but he condemned the violence, including the direct cause of the vote, the Jan.6 riots in the capitol that claimed the lives of the victims. and made a comment that it is not time to “censor” but to listen to each other.

According to the text of the recently adopted House document, Donald Trump was a riot in the demonstrations of his protesters on January 6, a constant threat to national security, democracy and the constitution, and what he did is completely incompatible with the principles of governance and the rule of law.

It can still start in 2024

After a simple majority of votes in the House of Representatives, the Senate must decide by a two-thirds majority and declare that Donald Trump should be replaced, but


The latter must be declared by the Senate in a separate resolution, requiring only half of the majority. This has never happened in the history of the United States, the Senate has never voted to replace a sitting president and has only banned judges from their positions. Donald Trump will also lose his presidential pension only if the Senate votes to replace him.

Senate President Mitch McConnell said in a statement Wednesday that the board certainly won’t decide on the matter until Jan. 19. Donald Trump will officially remain in office for just one week, until the inauguration of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden on January 20. Until then, the Senate will have to deal with enactment, and for procedural reasons, there will be no time to decide the matter.

If this happens,

it is also unclear whether the Senate can vote without Donald Trump as president of the United States,

Not to mention that space should also be left for their protection.

The Senate will have 50 to 50 Democrats and Republican politicians after the two Georgian elections on January 5, but after January 20, Vice President Kamala Harris’ vote could tip the balance in favor of the Democrats.

A record number of Republicans took over

Previously, nine Republicans have indicated that they will certainly support the current proceedings against the outgoing president.

John Katko was the first to speak on the matter, believing that Donald Trump’s responsibility was not negligible in the attack on the Congress building. The harshest words came from the mouth of Liz Cheney, daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, a former Defense Secretary, who spoke about what she thought the Capitol siege would not have been if Donald Trump had not rebelled from the crowd.

No president of the United States has committed a great betrayal of his office and his oath to the Constitution.

He declared. In addition to them, Republican lawmakers Jaime Herrera Beutler, Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez, Tom Rice, Peter Meijer, Dan Newhouse and Fred Upton previously lined up for impeachment. One tenth, David Caladao, announced by his vote that he was in favor of replacing Donald Trump.

There has never been an example before of so many MPs from your own party supporting the constitutional removal of a president. So far, the record was held by the five Democrats who voted to replace Bill Clinton in the 1998 vote.

Republican faction leader Kevin McCarthy has stated that he will not formally lobby members of the faction, meaning that he also implicitly indicated that he was distancing himself from Donald Trump.

“Day of fire”

In the debate leading up to the vote, House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi used the same term, “fire day,” for the January 6 riots … as George W. Bush apostrophized on January 11. September 2001. Another Democrat, Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, on his own, drew attention to the fact that due to security preparations after the capitol violence, there are currently more soldiers in Washington than in Afghanistan combined.

Republicans who defended Donald Trump have generally made the same argument as Mitch McConnell, that is, to focus on Joe Biden’s inauguration, action against Donald Trump is futile. One of them, Marjorie Taylor Greene Donald from Georgia, spoke with a mask labeled “Censored.”

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives formally asked Vice President Mike Pence to also initiate proceedings under the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution against Donald Trump. According to this, the current Vice President, together with the majority of the members of the administration, may decide to declare the President incapable of fulfilling his functions. The President has the right to challenge this decision, and the House of Representatives and the Senate have the final word by a two-thirds majority. No one has yet resorted to opportunity in American history. Mike Pence turned down the opportunity.

On Tuesday, another extraordinary announcement and prominent news item led to a vote in the House of Representatives. In the first, the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned that there was no room for extremist ideas among the military and, according to reports, Mitch McConnell would not be a replacement, as it would make it easier for the Republican Party to rid itself of the phenomenon of Trumpism.

On charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, the Washington House of Representatives voted once to impeach Donald Trump once on December 18, 2019, but the case fell through in the Senate on February 5, 2020.

(Cover image: Donald Trump. Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images Hungary)
