Index – Foreign – This is how the Novic spread Navalny


In the case of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny, who has been in frequent and severe conflict with authorities for years, Moscow officials and state media are pouring out conspiracy theories. The settings are colorful and diverse. According to one, Navalny was poisoned and played a single play with his followers. Another version attributes the responsibility to one of Russia’s enemies. And the strongest version is that the incident did not happen, it could only be an upset. Meanwhile, Germany is also heavily criticized for reporting “Rookie poisoning” without specific facts.

On the contrary, the Russian section of the BBC really tried to collect what and how it happened.

On August 20, Alexei Navalny had a ticket for the Tomsk-Moscow flight of the Siberian S7 airline. He did not eat or drink anything that morning. His spokesperson, Kira Jarmis, said he only had tea at Bogasevo airport, an hour before boarding. Jarmis took the last photograph of Navalny.

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During the first half hour of the flight, symptoms of malaise appear in Navalny. The flight attendants offer the passengers water, but he refuses and suddenly walks towards the bathroom.


Navalny has been occupying the bathroom for 20 minutes as a line of waiters forms in front of the door.


Flight attendants begin to realize that the locked passenger may be ill.


One of the hostesses asks over the loudspeaker if there is a doctor on board. Other passengers also notice that an emergency is developing. The assistant crew briefs the pilot, attempting to provide first aid to Navalny in the meantime. The politician’s assistant, Ilya Pakhomov, asks the passengers one by one which one could help.

An unidentified woman indicates that she is a nurse. For the next hour, he and the flight attendants are working to keep Navalny conscious until the pilot gets a hard landing permit.

Lawyer Sergei Nyezenyec was sitting in the last row, near Navalny’s nurses. “The pilot announced over the loudspeaker that he was trying to land in Omsk because one of the passengers was ill. Then he began to moan and scream. Then I did not recognize who it was. He was visibly haunted. He was sprawled on the floor of the cabin reserved for flight attendants, but he didn’t say a word, he just screamed. The woman who calls herself sister kept talking to him about drinking, drinking, breathing! “

Among those gathered around the body was Kira Jarmis, the politician’s press secretary. I was very nervous. The nurse asked him what he thought might have happened, but all he could answer was that

probably poisoned.

He shared the news with the outside world on Twitter.


To signal the pilots, the Omsk control tower granted the extraordinary landing permit. From here, the track change took more than 30 minutes, and in the meantime the slowing effect of cloudy weather had to be taken into account. Meanwhile, the helpers continue to water Navalny.

“If they were really suspected of being poisoned, the helpers had to try to drink a lot of fluids,” says Israeli intensive care specialist Mikhail Fremderman. “But that wouldn’t have helped against the organophosphate ingredients that the Germans are talking about now, either. If Mr. Navalny vomits the contents of his stomach, he will put the helpers and then the cleaning staff in grave danger. “


The plane lands in Omsk


The rescue team takes off on the plane. After a quick investigation, they state, “this is not our business, we need intensive treatment here.” The ambulance doctor assigns an ambulatory vehicle to the runway and several hear him speak of a “serious condition.”

Another ten minutes before the vehicle arrives. Meanwhile, they try to normalize Navalny’s blood pressure and give him an IV cocktail, but the symptoms do not improve. Omsk’s chief physician, Vasily Sidorus, said that everything was done, but since the patient couldn’t communicate, they could only deal with keeping him alive until he was admitted to the intensive care unit.


Then the unconscious body is lowered down the stairs and the ambulance takes it to the Emergency Hospital No. 1 in Omsk. Once loaded, the flight will continue its journey to Moscow, where police and civilian detectives will board the plane at Domodedovo airport. People aged 10-11 are interviewed. they sat behind a row. The others could go. “It was strange that the police showed up on the plane. Until then, the case did not necessarily seem like a crime, but I see that the security service suddenly appears ”, says the lawyer.

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After a two-day hitch, he agreed to transport the Navalny from Russia to Germany, and four days later it was announced that the investigation had revealed signs of poisoning.

The subsequent national and global political consequences of the case are unpredictable for Russia.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (and his predecessor, Theresa May) has harshly criticized the way the Russian secret services treat enemies of the regime. Relations between the two nuclear powers have been deteriorating for other reasons since the London government signaled that a Russian cyber campaign was underway to obtain the results of the coronavirus investigation. To this accusation, the Russian ambassador in London, Andrei Kelin, responded that although the relationship between their countries is freezing, the role of Great Britain in Russian politics is not very significant and his government must address issues of much greater weight.

Germany was also upset by the case. Chancellor Angela Merkel is increasing pressure to end the $ 11 billion gas supply deal with Russia. Not just the opposition, but several CDU / CSU politicians, including the influential Norbert Röttgen (chairman of the Bundestag foreign affairs committee, former minister for the environment and nuclear safety), suggest that the chancellor’s appropriate response to the case is the removal of Nord Stream-2. may.

Navalny has been in an artificial coma ever since.

Top image: Alexander Murahovsky, chief physician of the first ambulance hospital in Omsk, which treats the leader of the Russian opposition and anti-corruption activist Alexei Navalny, told reporters on August 21, 2020. According to the chief physician, they were not found toxins in the findings of the specialists in Navalny. MTI / EPA / Maxim Karmaev
