Index – Foreign – The whole of South East England has been closed


The prime minister issued a news conference Saturday afternoon in which he announced that unprecedented restrictions would be imposed in the south-east of England and that there would be no relief on Christmas and New Year’s Eve due to the epidemic.

The prime minister said that UK health authorities had examined the recently released new variant of the virus and concluded that the course of the disease was not more severe in cases caused by this variant, but rather spreads much faster than the previously released version.

Johnson also said that there is a 70% higher chance that an infected person will transmit this variant of the virus. However, he added that the vaccine also appears to provide protection against this variant.

He also said that so far they had sent their data to the WHO so that if the variant appeared abroad, they could be prepared for it.

He then announced new restrictions that will take effect in the south-east of the UK from Sunday. These will be level four (Level 4) restrictions that have not been introduced so far. Under this:

  • Anyone who doesn’t work, goes shopping, or doesn’t have something urgent to do should stay home.
  • Gyms, hair salons and stores that sell non-essential items will close.
  • People are prohibited from leaving the area affected by the level four restriction, and those who do not live there cannot enter.
  • Whoever can do it has to work from home.
  • You cannot gather more than one person in another home and only in an open space.
  • Everyone should sleep in their own home.
  • People can still attend worship services.

Johnson also said that the holidays

they won’t go as planned so far.

He detailed: In the most severely affected areas (Level 4), everyone will have to celebrate in their own home, and where lower-level restrictions apply, up to three households can gather to celebrate. The prime minister also said they would not ease restrictions on New Year’s Eve either.

Boris Johnson also asked people to stay home and, if they could, not travel anywhere at home or abroad.

The prime minister also drew attention to the need to constantly change what the government is doing in light of the virus “attack” and now sees that he has no choice but to decide on those restrictions.

He also asked people to indicate their need for the vaccine so that they can get vaccinated as soon as possible.
