Index – Foreign – The Orbán government did not support equality for women in an EU resolution


Hungary has rejected the document entitled “Presidency Conclusions on the Gender Action Plan (GAP) III 2021-2025” in the Council of the Member States of the European Union, according to the article in

The political resolution concerns the EU’s external relations with third countries. It was based on the European Commission action plan for post-epidemic

The rights of women and girls must be at the center of global recovery to create a world based on gender equality.

In addition to this, Member States have expressed their support for another Commission proposal, the LGBTQI Equality Strategy (2020-2025). It is not yet clear exactly which part (s) of the resolution prevented the government from supporting it, but on a similar issue at an EU summit in October, Viktor Orbán argued that the term gender equality is not used in Hungary, it is a word “over-ideologized”.
