Index – Foreign – The gang passed the bribe through the monastery


The money used to pay the doctors was laundered by the Romanian pharmaceutical company Ropharma with the help of a monastery and a sports club, writes the Main Square. As it turned out, seventeen employees were involved in money laundering without even guessing what they were using their bank accounts for.

In 2013, prosecutors from the Directorate against Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) succeeded in liquidating a rather specific criminal association and money laundering machine, of which, in addition to the Santa Cruz Monastery, a sports club was a member in Mureş county.

The criminal organization consisted of six Ropharma employees and the abbess of the monastery, who laundered 914 thousand lei (more than 67 million guilders) in two years.

The company transferred the amount as a grant to the monastery and, after the abbess took away her share, that is, 14 percent, returned the amount to the account numbers provided by Ropharma. Company employees noticed an unprecedented huge amount of money appearing in their accounts, but they were told they had made a mistake and were getting the amount returned.

One of the employees followed up on the matter. It turned out that the money came from the monastery to officially pay for the wood and seedlings. The case was taken to court. As it turned out at the hearing,

the money had to be laundered because doctors were being bribed to prescribe Ropharma products to their patients.

The court found all seven defendants guilty, and the director serving in Târgu Mureş received the largest sentence: a three-year suspended prison term. The defendant filed an appeal, for which the case was passed to the Târgu Mureş Court of Appeal.
