Index – Foreign – The curfew in France begins two hours earlier


The night curfew will begin two hours earlier, at 6 p.m., on Saturday in eastern France in 15 counties, it announced. Gabriel Attal, france government spokesman.

The virus continues to spread in France, but varies from region to region.

A spokesman for commercial TV TF1 said on Friday. He also indicated that the government would review the restrictions in the counties in question within a week.

Although at the national level, the curfew lasts from 8 am to 6 pm, it will be prohibited to remain in public areas in the 15 affected counties after 6 pm The adjustment applies to less than twenty percent of the country’s territory, writes MTI.

A government spokesman said on Friday that it was impossible for cultural institutions to reopen on January 7, according to the original ideas.

According to the Health Ministry, the number of daily infections has approached 20,000 again in recent days, which is less than the 5,000 established by the government before the November quarantine.

There are currently 24,440 infected people in the hospital, 2,634 of whom are in serious condition, both numbers stagnant, but authorities expect a slow increase after the year-end holidays. Half of the beds in intensive care units are infected with coronavirus, but the rate is 80 percent in eastern regions. Since the outbreak, 64,632 have died in France, 252 in the last 24 hours.
