Index – Foreign – The conflict has crossed the borders of Nagorno-Karabakh


In the quarter-century conflict, artillery and air force fighting is being waged with unprecedented ferocity. It is difficult to extract the real situation from the reports of the opponents, as they regularly report their own successes, and establish as lies the reports of victory and the enemy’s occupations. However, it is clear that the armed conflict is by no means limited to Nagorno-Karabakh, but weapons are also ravaging settlements along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border.

The Armenian Defense Ministry has reported that the Azerbaijani air force has attacked a military unit in Vardenis, Armenia, which is quite far from the Karabakh Mountains. According to Yerevan, before the attack, the Azeris spread the false news that the Armenian forces fired rockets from Vardenis towards the Daskeszan area in Azerbaijan. The Armenian military also said it had shot down an Azerbaijan F-16 fighter jet, which the Baku Defense Ministry, in turn, flatly denied, saying they had no such fighter jet.

For the first time, Susan Stepanyan, a spokeswoman for the Yerevan ministry, posted a video about a drone attack.

Armenian human rights commissioner Arman Tatojan said four civilians, including a woman and a child, had been killed in Nagorno-Karabakh and dozens had been injured in attacks by Azerbaijani forces since the fighting began on Sunday. According to Lilit Makunc, leader of the parliamentary faction of the ruling Armenian party, the possibility of concluding a political-military alliance with Nagorno-Karabakh is being investigated due to the current situation. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pasinyan has previously mentioned that Yerevan is considering recognizing the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Observers say this is important because they could legally intervene in the fighting at the request of an independent state.

Nagorno-Karabakh: a humanitarian corridor would be opened to evacuate the population

A humanitarian corridor would be opened to evacuate the population.

Armenia has previously accused Turkey of providing direct military support to Azerbaijan in the fighting. According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Yerevan

Turkey it is directly present at the scene of the fighting.

The Armenian ambassador in Moscow said on Monday that Turkey had sent some 4,000 troops from northern Syria to Azerbaijan to take part in the fighting in the enclave. Turkish military experts are said to be fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Azeris, who are also deploying Turkish weapons, drones and fighter jets. Yerevan’s parliament has warned that Armenia will not hesitate to protect Armenians living in the area.

Meanwhile, The Guardian has broadcast that it is hiring Syrian rebels for a Turkish security company to work as a border guard in Azerbaijan. Syrian volunteers applying for a job brit napilapnak He said the Turkish company started hiring staff a month ago to protect oil and gas production facilities and observatories in Azerbaijan. They offered a three- to six-month contract for a much higher salary than Syrian options, which is why many are interested in the option as well.

Some who had already visited Libya as mercenaries said that they were initially promised that they would be used as guards there, but that they eventually found themselves on the battlefield.

– is the The Guardian in the article.

In fact, Turkey also sent Syrian mercenaries to Libya last year to try to support an internationally backed government. Ankara has also supported opposition forces there since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, especially as the rebel organizations have weakened over the years and have become fragmented due to internal battles and increased forces. Islamists.

An insurgency group from the Syrian National Army allied with Turkey and the Syrian Human Rights Observatory said that around half a thousand Syrian fighters, including two high-ranking commanders, had already arrived in Azerbaijan. This also seems to be confirmed by the videos circulating on social media.

Azerbaijan called the accusation a complete impossibility, and the Turkish Defense Ministry also firmly refused on Monday to participate in the recruitment and transport of militants anywhere in the world.

Heroes Square

He’s a student named Brotherhood At the same time, the president of the Hungarian-Azerbaijani Cooperation Association recalled the aggressions suffered during the history of the Azerbaijani people.

A part of our country was swept away, by military force, and from there all Azeris were expelled or massacred, without saving women or children. In January 1990, the Azerbaijani people lived in Baku in a similar way to the Hungarian people in October-November 1956. Soviet soldiers and Armenian paramilitary units arrived and the streets of Baku were filled with blood. We suffered a lot from various occupiers, a lot from the continuous attacks by the Armenian paramilitary gangs. But the hundreds of people killed, the many injured, the demolished buildings finally gave Azerbaijan freedom.

Ramiz Amirli said in his search for the Index: he opposes all kinds of war conflicts, especially attacks on civilians. He believed that the Armenian lobby was so strong that the complaints against the Azeris did not reach the world public.

We only want to take back the occupied and stolen territories. No other area is needed, not even a square centimeter, of Armenia

He is stressed Ramiz Amirli, who became known for organizing Heroes’ Square in Budapest demonstration in the case of the Karabakh Mountains. At a demonstration four years ago with Azerbaijani and Turkish citizens living in Hungary, Armenia was asked to leave Nagorno-Karabakh as soon as possible. The protesters, of course, put it a bit tougher than this: “Stop Armenian Terrorism,” he said on the banners and Either Karabah, or death, there is no other wayThen the crowd chanted.
