Index – Foreign – The British government has shut down all of England


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The UK government ordered a shortcut to all of England on Monday to curb the rapid spread of the new version of the coronavirus.

The closure was announced on television at eight o’clock Hungarian time by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. As he said, the country has successfully battled the old version of the virus, but the rate of spread of the new variant is concerning. Scientists say the mutant virus is 50 to 70 percent more contagious. Hospitals are under more pressure than at any time since the outbreak, Johnson added.

What does a short circuit mean?

Therefore, the Prime Minister has ordered a complete blockade for the entire country, so that no one can leave their home, only in special cases.

  • such as shopping for food or other essentials,
  • going to work,
  • access to sports or medical care.

Primary and secondary schools will return to distance education starting tomorrow.

The problem is that schools are not safe for our children and can serve as sources of infection,

Said the Prime Minister.

He added that there is a big difference with the previous short, that is, in England

It is currently the largest vaccination campaign in its history, and so far we have vaccinated more people than the rest of Europe combined.

He said the vaccination process is speeding up, thanks to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, which is licensed today, is also available.

Johnson also said that people should follow the new rules, which will be enacted at dawn on Wednesday and will even go before parliament that day. Added that

The governments of Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland share the view that the fight against the virus has reached a tipping point and they plan to introduce similar measures.

How do you say it,

Despite all this, I think we have reached the final stage of the fight, as we approach victory with each and every one of those vaccinated. Thanks to the miracle of science, we not only see the end of the tunnel, but we also know how to get there.

Nick Triggle, a BBC health journalist, said the number of people hospitalized with the virus had increased by 50 percent since Christmas, which, by comparison, equates to the total capacity of eighteen hospitals. Thirty percent of occupied hospital beds in England have a covid patient. But what’s really worrying is that that number is growing rapidly. In the last six days alone, fifty thousand new cases have been reported daily, and a large proportion of these patients are only now entering care.

The Index reported that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine was already being administered to people in the UK on Monday: vaccinations began today at hospitals in five English counties – Oxford, London, Sussex, Lancashire and Warwickshire.

530,000 vials of the new vaccine have already been delivered.

The new variant

Memorable, the new variant arrived in Britain from the Republic of South Africa last December. At the time, Health Secretary Matt Hancock called the appearance of the new mutation “quite troubling,” as it appears to be able to spread even faster than previous variants.

The British tried to prevent its spread by restricting entry from South Africa and ordered that anyone who had been in South Africa in the past two weeks, or even been in close contact with such a person, be immediately quarantined.

Furthermore, according to experts, no studies suggest changes that make the new coronavirus mutation more likely to cause disease than previous versions, and there is no indication that vaccines developed so far are less effective against the new strain.

The traffic stopped, the chaos was complete

We also write that French authorities stopped the traffic of goods from the UK on December 23, 2020 starting at 0am due to the rapid spread of a new version of the coronavirus that appeared in England. The French ban applied to vehicles used by people (drivers, travel personnel, passengers) to cross France. The crossing of passenger trains without passengers and passengers (containers and truck trailers without a tractor) was authorized by the French authorities.

The French deficit caused severe disruption to the English side of the Dover ferry port and traffic to the Folkestone train terminal: on the M20 motorway towards the southeast coast and in a temporary car park at one of the nearby disused airports, per Kent County Council, through Tuesday night. 2,852 trucks were congested and there were also fights.

However, the British Department of Transport announced then that an agreement had been reached between the British and French governments to resume “part” of passenger traffic in cargo and emergency cases and that the situation had slowly calmed down.

Airspace blockade

On December 22, from midnight, Hungary banned passenger flights from the United Kingdom, including private jets, from landing.
