Index – Foreign – The aggressive landlord who once cut off his tenants


On June 19, three young men were making TikTok videos in Seattle, Washington.

Guys we found a black suitcase on the beach

The cameraman said once, while the other two girls laughed, and then the next moment in the shot to see that there was indeed a black suitcase under a pier on the coastal stones.

Young people here noticed that for a moment they thought that a bag full of money might have been washed ashore. One of them then lowered the stones, encouraged by the cameraman to:


Meanwhile, several people were looking at them from above.

One of the girls finally opened the suitcase,

in which he found a stuffed corpse wrapped in plastic.

Then one of them started calling. According to the BBC, the youths immediately called the police, who then searched the area and also found a second suitcase with another body inside.

The teens uploaded the video to a video-sharing app called TikTok, which was later viewed by tens of millions.

Long time, great determination

The autopsy revealed that the bodies of Jessica Lewis, 35, and Austin Wenner, 27, who had since begun to decompose, were packed into suitcases. They were shot and then mutilated, sometime around June 9, about ten days before the young men discovered the suitcase.

The investigation quickly turned to Michael Lee Dudley, 62, in whose apartment the young people rented a room, so three of them lived in a single apartment. According to testimonies, the man fought a lot with the neighbors about why they were not paying the rents. He asked them for 1,500 dollars a month, which the young people could not pay him.

Later, the police also searched the apartment where

Bullet marks were found on the wall and blood and freshly painted walls in the youth bedroom.

The man claimed all this, Lewis could somehow cut himself so that blood could get into his room, but he couldn’t explain the holes hit by the bullet. Dudley was immediately arrested.

According to the indictment, although the exact cause of the murder is not yet known, Dudley was likely angry about the rent arrears and that young people could live a sinful life with him. The document also reveals that the man was probably also assisted in dismembering the bodies and putting the remains in various suitcases and bags and then trying to hide them.

“With a lot of time and a lot of determination, only such a process could have been carried out, and that it has gone so far is dangerous for society,” says the indictment.

Austin Wenner and Jessica Lewis

Austin Wenner and Jessica Lewis

Aggressive past

Aunt Jessica Lawis told the press that the relationship between Dudley and the young man had never been resolved. According to the woman, the man sometimes crashed his car, so much so that it did not even start, other times he locked them in the apartment. When the young dog ate one of his chickens, he killed it with a hammer in front of his eyes and threw the carcass in front of the other dogs. But since the couple had nowhere to go, they didn’t stray from Dudley.

Other times, he got into such a fight with an electrician that a gun appeared and eventually the police had to be challenged.

According to the local press, Dudley’s past is not flawless either. In 2016, an ex-girlfriend accused her of sexually abusing her, for which she was ultimately prosecuted.

In the summer of 2018, her own daughter asked her for a court restraining order because she claims her father regularly sexually harassed her as a child for years. In court, the girl spoke of her: “From the age of ten to eighteen, she was sexually harassed for nine years: she was drugged and raped. At age ten she forced us to sleep in a bed and watch her masturbate while watching porn.” The woman also said that her father threatened him several times while holding a firearm in his hand.

The court eventually rejected the woman’s request to stay away. All of this was justified on the grounds that the charges were legally considered domestic violence.

30 million views

The young people who found the suitcase immediately uploaded the images to a video-sharing app called TikTok, which

more than 30 million saw it in a few weeks.

“We don’t know what to do with it, nobody knew it would be like this, not even those children,” said Lewis’s aunt, Gina Jaschke, but thanked the young people, because she thought they would never have found the bodies without them.

Although he repeatedly asked TikTok to delete the video, the company did nothing for months. “They could know that those corpses, faces that they saw, I would think that they also knew that they were only people, someone’s parents, someone’s children. And that they could erase the recording out of respect,” he said about all this.

The BBC also contacted the company about the matter, to which they were told that the video did not violate their general guidelines, as there were no specific recordings of human remains. To do this, several Twitter users # take a hashtag asking TikTok to delete the recording.

More than two months after the upload, on August 25, TikTok removed the video. Around the same time, Dudley was charged with a double murder. After paying five million dollars, you can even defend yourself in the open.

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