Index – Foreign – Slovak President to Postpone Mass Testing


Even the BBC is discussing the national tests that started on Saturday morning in our northern neighbor as headline news.

President Susan Caputova has repeatedly expressed doubts about whether the country is adequately prepared for the extremely complex and massive event. After consulting with the leaders of the Slovak army, he asked the government on its Facebook page:

postpone testing because, according to the chief of staff, only 70 percent of the twenty thousand required health workers are available.

The President of the Slovak Republic consults with the leaders of the army.

The President of the Slovak Republic consults with the leaders of the army.

Photo: Facebook of Z. Caputova

The idea is that the Slovak government wants to test the population over ten years old, who so far has not been affected by the epidemic, at the end of this week and next. The reason for the urgency is the realization that the epidemic situation could reach a critical level similar to that of the Czech Republic in a few weeks. In the Czech Republic, hospitals were already full and emergency hospitals had to be established.

Index - Abroad - Everyone receives an SMS about the weekend tests in Slovakia

The app also helps with testing across the country.

According to Defense Minister Jaroslav Nad

the epidemic situation is worse for us than in the Czech Republic. We have so many benefits that we notice 2-3 weeks before. [Ezért szükséges a tesztelés], which is the largest operation the army has been involved in since our country became independent.

Taking into account the experience of the Czech Republic, which has maintained a close relationship since its separation, the Slovak model of government projected a catastrophic overload of hospitals in mid-November. In the Czech Republic, which has a population similar to Hungary’s, 13,051 new infections were reported on Thursday. 2,862 people have already died in the epidemic, making the Czechs the most affected country in the EU in the last two weeks.

The test is planned to screen four-fifths of the Slovak population with a cotton swab nasal antigen test. Using this

the result is available in 15 minutes. However, an antigen test much faster than the PCR test produces a false positive result of 30 percent.

The defense minister said that if a third more people stay at home, that is not a problem either, they will find fewer people and the rate of spread of the epidemic will continue to decrease:

There is simply no alternative: bulk test or full shutdown.

Hungarian doctors hired to perform tests in Slovakia for a thousand euros

At dawn on Saturday, 150 Hungarian doctors and physicians can leave for Slovakia to help with the weekend national tests.
