Index – Foreign – Several people were killed in a New Year’s fireworks accident


Several people were killed in New Year’s fireworks accidents in Europe. A structure that exploded took the head of a 25-year-old man in Boofzheim, France, about 30 kilometers south of Strasbourg, writes the MTI, according to local authorities.

Another 24-year-old man was also injured in the accident and is being treated at the hospital. The circumstances of the case are not yet clear. According to a local newspaper, the fireworks did not explode at first when they were lit and thrown, but when the two men approached them for it, they did. The sale and use of fireworks to individuals has been prohibited in this region since the beginning of December.

Also in Germany, at least one man was killed by a fireworks display: a 24-year-old man in Rietz-Neuendorf, Brandenburg, in the eastern part of the country. The structure was homemade, said local police, who seized additional homemade pyrotechnic devices at the site.

In a building in Osnabrück, West Germany, a 21-year-old man with shattered limbs was also seriously injured by a homemade fireworks display. Two other young people were also injured in the accident, one of them seriously.

Police said the building was life-threatening.

A 24-year-old was also seriously injured in a fireworks display that exploded prematurely in the town of Springstille in central Germany. You may lose your sight, police said. In Essen, a gang of youths attacked police officers with fireworks.

A grocery store in the Neukölln district of Berlin caught fire and collapsed. The fire likely originated in a garbage can and spread into the store, where fireworks were also being sold. Due to the latter circumstance, the firefighters were unable to get close to the flames everywhere, eventually causing the building to collapse. No one was injured in this fire.

The trade in fireworks was also banned in Germany before New Year’s Eve, but their use was not.

In the northern Italian city of Asti, a 13-year-old boy was killed by fireworks at a New Year’s Eve party. His abdomen was seriously injured, police said. The boy could still be transported alive to the hospital, but he died there.

Dozens of people were injured in fireworks across Italy, although far fewer than in previous years. In Milan, a man lost two fingers.

In Iraq, more than 60 were injured in the capital and in several rural towns by the explosion of fireworks and pencil sharpeners from a blind shot. A man died.

Half of the injuries were caused by a fire at a Kirkuk shopping center, authorities said, adding that not all cases were yet known.

In the Philippines, about fifty people were injured by fireworks lit on New Year’s Eve, which is far less than in previous years, because this time the use of pyrotechnic devices was banned. Each of the fifty injured had to be transferred to a hospital. One of them was injured by a lost sharpener.
