Index – Foreign – Romanian Secretary of State: Romanian Healthcare has lost the fight against Covid


Romanian authorities are trying to persuade people who reject or discipline the virus to follow the precautionary measures imposed by the coronavirus epidemic, avoiding conflict because “no one wants to see rubber gendarmes,” said Raed Arafat, secretary of state. in Bucharest.

Referring to Saturday’s report on the portal, the MTI writes that an official of the national operative court has been pessimistic about the increasing pressure on hospitals. The Secretary of State assessed that the Romanian health system, both in terms of reception capacity and personnel,

lost the fight against Covid-19.

As he said, they will get there so that the infected can no longer be taken to Covid hospitals. For this reason, it is necessary to organize routes in other hospitals to receive the infected, to assign them places in the intensive care unit, stressed the Secretary of State.

Virgil Musta, chief physician at the Timisoara Epidemiological Hospital, reported:

On Friday night, a coronavirus patient who arrived with an ambulance in a state of emergency had only had access to a ventilator just as his patient had died in the intensive care unit.

The chief physician, quoted by the Mediafax media agency, said he and his colleagues feared that they would soon have to decide which of their patients would die and which of them would survive.

In Romania, saturation in the intensive care units of Covid hospitals surpassed 70 percent on Saturday. Nearly 4,000 new infections have been diagnosed in the past 24 hours, less than two percent from the previous day’s record, but 38 percent more than the average for the past two weeks. Although more than 32,000 more tests were evaluated than ever before, the proportion of positive tests, which had not fallen below 10 percent for more than a week, still exceeded 12 percent on Saturday. Another 63 deaths were reported in Romania on Saturday, bringing the death toll to more than 5,800.
