Index – Foreign – Property freezes may be imposed on offending state actors


At their meeting in Brussels on Monday, the foreign ministers of the EU member states adopted a decision on the establishment of a universal system of sanctions for human rights violations, the MTI writes.

The regulation allows the European Union to impose travel bans and asset freezes on state and non-state actors and organizations responsible for serious human rights violations.

The sanctions system is based on the model of the US Magnitsky Act, which came into force in 2012, which provided for such sanctions against Russian officials and then extended the scope of the legislation, which was originally limited to Russia, to all the world.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said at the post-meeting press conference that the decision was of great importance from a human rights perspective and sent a signal to the world that the EU is committed to respecting human rights.

According to the regulation, the Council of Ministers of the EU Member States will be responsible for establishing, reviewing and modifying the sanctions list at the initiative of a Member State or the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.
