Index – Foreign – One in two new coronavirus tests tested positive in Zagreb on Saturday


The number of new coronavirus patients needing hospital treatment continues to rise in Croatia and Slovenia, where a temporary hospital is being installed in another sports hall.

After the Zagreb Arena, a temporary hospital will also be installed at the Osijek Sports Hall.

for those infected with coronavirus, write ITNs.

Health Minister Vili Beroš recently ordered the mobilization of medical care. The Ministry of Health has sent a call to retired doctors, medical universities and health institutes asking them to get involved in work, as well as to employment offices where more than a thousand unemployed nurses are registered.

The health care system is overburdened and hospitals grapple with shortages of medicines, equipment and labor. Doctors complain that

The care of a GP can collapse,

if they are subject to additional administrative burdens by the health insurance institution. Under a new regulation, GPs must locate and track the contacts of those infected and record them digitally.

In Zagreb, staff at the Dubrava Clinical Hospital, designated to treat severe Covid patients, withdrew to the institution on Friday to draw attention to the dire conditions. As they said, the epidemic only highlighted the difficulties that the healthcare system has been struggling with for years.

The aforementioned hospital still cares for more than two hundred patients infected with the coronavirus. On Saturday, more ventilators, doctors and nurses from other hospitals arrived at the institution, and they also began to heat the hospital tent that the military had built next to the clinic.

The crisis team reports that the number of infected people increased by 2,769 in the last day to 49,000,316. Fifteen people died, bringing the death toll to 546. The hospital cares for 1,049 patients, 82 of whom are connected to a ventilator.

The situation is most dire in Zagreb, where one in two new coronavirus tests tested positive on Saturday.

In neighboring Slovenia, according to data released by the government on Saturday, the number of infected people rose to 17,000,306 the day before, 1796. Twenty-three patients died, bringing the death toll to 338. Of the diagnosed patients, 779 are hospitalized, 122 of whom are treated in the intensive care unit.

In Slovenia, an exit ban is being introduced

According to the regulations, with some exceptions, no one can leave the district or city in which they have a permanent or temporary address.

Bojana Beović, head of the Slovenian government’s coronavirus epidemic commission, said:

If epidemiological measures for the spread of the pathogen are successful, the number of patients requiring hospital care can be around 1,200 and the number of patients treated in the intensive care unit between 200 and 300.
