At the request of the United States, Israeli agents ended up in August with a second man in the command ranks of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda accused of helping plan a 1998 assassination attempt at two US embassies in Africa, wrote The New York Times on Friday, citing intelligence officials.
According to the US newspaper, Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah, also known as Abu Mohammed al-Masri, was shot dead by two men sitting on a motorcycle in Tehran three months ago. Masri was previously considered the successor to Ajman az-Zavahri, who currently runs al-Qaeda. According to The New York Times, his murder has been kept secret until now. It is still unclear, the MTI writes, what role the United States may have played in the liquidation of the Egyptian-born man on August 7. The newspaper knows that the US authorities have been tracking Masri and his other members of the terrorist organization in Iran for years.
The information has not yet been confirmed by an official US source.