Index – Foreign – Negotiations on a new Romanian government have been suspended


Within the National Liberal Party, many are dissatisfied with Ludovic Orban’s handover of “key ministries” to coalition partners, the portal wrote.

Liberals who did not agree with the decision wanted to discuss the situation in the party’s Permanent National Council, a meeting called for seven at night. Robert Sighiartău, the party’s general secretary, also sent the notification, but Ludovic Orban said in an internal circular that the meeting had not been properly announced, so any decision made there would be invalid.

Talks between the PNL, Save the Romania Alliance (USR-PLUS) and the Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (DAHR) on the emerging government of Cîțu were temporarily suspended due to internal tensions within the Liberal Party a few minutes after four in the late. G4Media portal for internal resources.

DAHR will be appointed Deputy Prime Minister

DAHR will also receive two ministerial posts in the center-right government in Bucharest, led by Florin Citu.

Leaders who strongly question Ludovic Orbant include Party Secretary Robert Sighiartău and Vice President Rareș Bogdan, but several NLP leaders are in open conflict with Ludovic Orban for handing over important, high-budget ministries to USR-PLUS and DAHR, as development. , transport and European funds, in exchange for the presidency of the House of Representatives.
