Index – Foreign – Nagorno-Karabakh: humanitarian corridor to open the evacuation of the population


Fierce fighting in the Karabakh Mountains also continued into the night. A Karabahi 26 Defense Forces soldiers were killed in the fighting, bringing the death toll to 84 since fighting resumed between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces on Sunday. In addition to the soldiers, eleven civilians were killed, nine on the Azerbaijani side and two on the Armenian side. The next shot shows the mother who lost her 9-year-old daughter and herself was seriously injured in an Azerbaijani attack.

Losses in military technology can also be quantified. Yerevan reported that fifty Azerbaijani drones, four helicopters and eighty armored vehicles had been destroyed. At the same time, they repulsed an Azerbaijani tank attack in which ten enemy vehicles were incapacitated. On the Azeri side, however, they reported that their units continued their counterattacks from the heights and favorable positions occupied by the Armenian forces to reinforce their military successes so far.


Vardan Toganyan, Armenian ambassador to Moscow, said Yerevan was working on the construction of humanitarian corridors. Karabakhi evacuate the civilian population in case the conflict escalates. At the same time, in Baku, it was the Armenians who were accused of Specifically populated areas and civilian targets were attacked, in violation of international humanitarian law.

Meanwhile, Susan Stepanyan, a spokeswoman for the Yerevan Ministry of Defense, posted more videos of the attacks.

The parties accuse each other of using the help of outsiders. Yerevan claims that veterans who fought in the Syrian war are also involved on the Azerbaijani side. Hulusi Akar, head of the Turkish Ministry of Defense, on the other hand, asked Armenia to

return mercenaries and terrorists brought from abroad.

The Armenian Ambassador to Moscow, Vardan Toganyan, stated thatKarabakh Recognition of its independence will be closer the closer the military forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey are to the border of the disputed territory. He stressed that Armenia would guaranteeKarabakh security and is ready to take military action to that end.

Observers fear that an escalating war will seriously affect another autonomous region of Azerbaijan wedged in Armenia.

In any event, the UN Security Council today rhold an extraordinary meeting akarabahi for fights. France and Germany started the debate behind closed doors.
