Index – Foreign – Matovič: Thank you Hungarians, thank you Viktor!


Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič and Interior Minister Roman Mikulec on Sunday thanked Hungarian health workers for their work and the help of Hungary in front of the established sampling point at the Károly-Canoe Club in Komárom, Komárom from North.

“It is said to meet a good friend in trouble. On Friday, we were still in an emergency and there was an article in the media all over Slovakia saying that Operation Joint Responsibility and national tests were not feasible. I contacted Viktor Orbán, who told me: we will help you, we got to know who our real friend in trouble is, and for that a big thank you.

Matovič said. The Slovak Prime Minister also thanked Lina and Eva, the two Hungarian medical students and the other 197 Hungarian volunteers on Facebook:

Rather, the prime minister declined to comment on Ľuboš Blaha’s statement that Hungarian and German-speaking doctors are foreign soldiers who should be called in to the police.

Interior Minister Roman Mikulec added:

“It is very good to see this sampling place, as it not only reflects the improvisation of local people, but it is also one of the places where Hungarian health professionals help us. Hungary sent 197 health workers to Slovakia, two of whom worked at the established sampling point at the Károly-Canoe Club in Komárom yesterday and today. They are very skilled and we greatly appreciate our help as over 600 people were screened on Saturday. I would like to thank Hungary again for responding so quickly to our request ”.

Slovakia launched a national action this weekend to test the entire population for coronavirus infection. Not finding enough medical staff in Slovakia, they went to Austria and Hungary, where 50 and 200 volunteers came, respectively, to help.

The report was prepared by Körké for the Index.

(Cover image: Király Zsolt / Körké
