Index – Foreign – Judit Varga cannot speak in the European Parliament instead of Orbán



05/13/2020. 15:28

Hungarian coronavirus law and the rule of law will be debated in the European Parliament on Thursday morning, and David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, also invited Viktor Orbán to the event. According to the Prime Minister’s statement to MTI, all his energy is devoted to fighting the epidemic, so he asked Sassoli to give Judit Varga, Minister of Justice and European Affairs, the opportunity to speak.

According to a letter published by Sassoli’s cabinet, participation at the state level and heads of government is appropriate for a debate of this magnitude. Consequently, Judit Varga will not be able to speak at Thursday’s event, EP spokeswoman Jaume Duch Guillot told RTL Klub Híradó. He said Viktor Orbán had twice used the opportunity to speak in a debate of similar importance in recent years, and that he was invited to do so, he said at a press conference on Thursday.

According to the spokesperson, ministers will only speak in plenary if they represent an EU institution or a country presiding over the EU presidency, and this practice will not be abandoned this time, according to the RTL Club website.

Later, Viktor Orbán asked Sassoli to give the floor to Varga, that the request of the Minister of Justice had already been rejected and that Viktor Orbán had been invited to the plenary session.
