Index – Foreign – Iran: Solomon’s killers will not be safe on Earth


Almost a year ago, on January 3, 2020, in Baghdad, at the urging of Donald Trump, he piloted an American drone with General Kasem Solemman, a high-ranking commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, who also developed a regional strategy for the Persian state.

The Chief Justice of the Iranian Supreme Court, Ebrahim Raisi, recalled the general in a speech at an event in Tehran. Said

Don’t assume that a person like the President of the United States who killed or ordered the assassination can get away with it. Never.


Those who played a role in this murder and crime will not be safe on Earth.

According to the South China Morning Post, Iranian officials attended the event. Speakers included representatives of allied countries and regional forces, namely Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. A commemoration is also expected to take place in the coming days in Kerman, where Solejman was buried. After the general’s death, Iran launched missile strikes against Iraqi bases stationed by US troops under the International Anti-Jihad Alliance.

Donald Trump indicated last week that he held Iran responsible for all the bloody attacks on Americans in Iraq. accused Tehran of carrying out a rocket attack on the US embassy in Baghdad.

In the final weeks of Donald Trump’s presidency, tensions between Tehran and Washington intensified again. The latter claims to have information that the Shiite state wants to avenge the death of Kasem Solomman.

It may be related to the fact that the crew found a magnetic mine in a tanker truck in the Persian Gulf, and Iraqi firefighters began work to neutralize the mine on Friday.

The incident took place on the first anniversary of the US death of the elite commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Revolutionary Guard al-Kuds, Kasim Suleymani, with a drone attack near the Baghdad airport.

The structure was discovered the previous day on a Liberian-flagged oil tanker near Basra. Iraqi authorities evacuated the crew. The ship, named MT Pola, is owned by the Iraqi Petroleum Trading Agency and serves as a kind of floating fuel tank to fill other ships. He was filling the tanks of a tanker flying the Bermuda flag called MT Nordic Freedom when the crew discovered the mine on the side of the ship. Pola resides in international waters, 28 nautical miles off the coast of Iraq.

In 2019, there were several similar mine strikes in the Persian Gulf, for which Washington blamed Iran. Tehran denies that it had anything to do with what happened.

(Cover image: Kászem solejmani In 2016. Photo: Pool / Press Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran / Anadolu Agency / Getty Images)
