Index – Foreign – In Austria, a curfew will be introduced from Tuesday


A 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. curfew will be enforced in Austria due to the spread of the coronavirus epidemic, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced at a press conference on Saturday. Pubs and restaurants are closed, only take away can be ordered. Hotels can also lower the blinds.

and national sporting and public cultural events are prohibited, but so are weddings, birthday parties, and Christmas fairs.

Sports halls are closed to amateurs, amateurs are not allowed to practice team sports, and for professional team sports, international events can be held without spectators.

Stores can remain open, as can kindergartens and primary schools. High schools and universities are shifting to distance education.

The politician justified the decision with the unexpected and rapid spread of the coronavirus. It was not an easy but necessary decision, ”said Sebastian Kurz.

The number of infected people identified in 24 hours rose to a record 5,627 on Thursday, with 5,394 new infections recorded on Friday.

During curfew, everyone is alone in five cases,

  • job,
  • meet basic needs,
  • caring for a sick family member who needs care,
  • life protection
  • and physical and mental recovery

You can leave your house for this purpose, write the portal
