Index – Foreign – Hungary was again classified in the red zone by Ukraine


Last day, fewer than 5,000 new coronavirus infections were recorded in Ukraine. The zoning of the country was updated on December 30, which was also published by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on its own website. The 45-country red list so far includes the names of 49 countries. Poland, the United States and Great Britain have also been added to the list, where another type of infection has recently been recorded.

In terms of ranking, Hungary is still in the red zone,

which means that it is a country classified as having an epidemiological risk. Those coming to Ukraine from a country of this qualification must undergo home quarantine, which can only be suspended with a negative PCR test result before the deadline, writes the Ukrainian news portal Pravda.

According to the MTI report, according to officially published data, the number of infected people increased by 4,576 cases to 1,074,093 in the last day, and the number of deaths increased by another 123 to 18,854. So far, 728,865 have been recovered, more than 6,000 of them the day before, reducing the number of active patients by almost 1,800 to 326,374.

The majority of the new infections, 454, were reported this time in Mykolaiv province in southern Ukraine.

In Kiev, one of the most infected areas in the country, 370 new infections and 21 deaths were recorded the day before, Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said. The number of infected people in the city exceeded 113,000 and the number of deaths increased in 1963.

As the Russian coronavirus Sputnik V vaccine has not passed the third stage of clinical trials, it cannot be registered or used in Ukraine.

Viktor Ljasko, a national medical director, wrote on his Facebook page.

Meanwhile, according to the Unian news agency, a Russian television program Kirill Dmitrijev, executive director of the Russian Fund for Direct Investment (RFPI), which finances the development of the Russian vaccine, said he was ready to deliver the technology to Ukraine to make your vaccine. also in clinical trials.

Ukraine will not receive vaccinations before February.

By then, the first tranche of more than 1.9 million doses of coronavirus vaccine purchased from the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac is expected to arrive. Through the international Covax initiative, the first dose of the already promised 8 million doses of the vaccine is expected to arrive in Ukraine in March. The government is still negotiating the purchase of the vaccine because this quantity is far from being sufficient for the population: in a country of more than 40 million inhabitants, the government plans to vaccinate at least 20 million people.

(Cover image: Tamás Kovács / MTI)
