Index – Foreign – Hungary also does not allow British planes to land, more and more countries are quarantining the United Kingdom


On December 22, from 0 am, Hungary will ban the landing of passenger flights from the United Kingdom, including private commercial aircraft. Freight traffic is running smoothly. Police Lieutenant Colonel Róbert Kiss, deputy head of the operations center of the operational center, announced the Orbán government’s decisions on Monday.

The list of European countries that are suspending flights from the United Kingdom due to the reduction of a new strain of the coronavirus that is spreading in the island country is constantly growing.


  • The Netherlands,
  • Belgium,
  • Italy,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Romania,
  • Ireland,
  • France,
  • Austria
  • and germany

has announced this, and so far out of Hungary so far on Monday

  • Poland
  • Norway,
  • Lithuania,
  • Latvia
  • and Estonia

has indicated that it will suspend reception of British flights, according to a live broadcast by Sky News.

In Norway now UK planes will not be able to land for 48 hours.

Denmark he also decided on a 48-hour suspension.

Poland suspends reception of passengers from the United Kingdom from midnight on Monday. 700,000 Poles live in the island nation, the length of the suspension, according to the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, Michal Dworczyk, will be decided later.

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia decided the suspension in a coordinated manner. In all three countries, the restriction took effect at 4 a.m. on Monday, ending on December 31. Flights are launched to destinations in the UK.

The Netherlands It will not accept aircraft from British territories until at least December 31.

Belgium For the time being, it will introduce a ban from midnight to midnight on Sunday, but it has also stopped rail traffic in the UK.

Austria It has also announced that it will not allow British aircraft to land at its airports, but the date of the start of the ban is not yet known.

Germany Airports cannot receive flights from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland after midnight on Sunday. At the moment, the provision is valid until December 31.

France It has only introduced a 48-hour entry ban, which runs from midnight on Sunday, but applies to anyone coming from the UK, whether by plane, ferry or train.

Ireland It also restricts arrivals by air, sea and land from the UK and is also limited to two days at the moment. On Tuesday they will decide whether to extend it.

Romania it will not receive planes from the UK for two weeks from 7pm on Monday and the UK will be added to the list of countries at risk of the epidemic from midnight on Sunday, so those coming from here will to be quarantined for two weeks.

Bulgaria it does not operate flights or receive aircraft from the United Kingdom.


Portugal has decided to admit only Portuguese citizens or residents with a negative coronavirus test.

Czech Republic It also did not stop UK air traffic, but rather tightened quarantine rules for those arriving from there.

Spain Expect a negative coronavirus test in no more than 72 hours from those coming from the UK.

As regards non-European countries,

Canada, Kuvait and the Savior does not accept UK aircraft.

Israel it also barred people from the UK, Denmark and South Africa from entering the country,

and decided similarly Turkey It also does not accept aircraft from Denmark and the Netherlands in addition to British flights.

Up to seventy percent

The suspension or restrictions were decided by countries due to the appearance of a new strain of coronavirus. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Saturday that the virus, which is spreading in London and the south-east of England, could be up to 70% more contagious than before. To this end, the Prime Minister introduced new four-tier restrictions starting Sunday.

  • Anyone who does not work, goes shopping or has some urgent business should stay home.
  • Who can do it must work from home, a limited number of people can enter the workplace for good reason.
  • Gyms, hair salons and stores that sell non-essential items will close.
  • People are prohibited from leaving the area affected by the level four restriction, and those who do not live there cannot enter.
  • You cannot gather more than one person in another home and only in an open space.
  • Everyone should sleep in their own home.
  • People can still attend worship services.

According to experts, no data from the study suggests changes that would make the new coronavirus mutation more severe than previous versions, and there is no indication that vaccines developed to date are less effective against the new strain.
