Index – Foreign – Here New Covid-19 Antigen Test Indicates Reliable Result Within 15 Minutes


The NADALR Covid-19 antigen test, developed in Germany, can help prevent further spread of the coronavirus and reduce the burden on laboratories.This is because according to the MTI, the test can be performed anywhere, so it can be used in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, companies, airports or larger events. it is not necessary to send the sample to a laboratory. further the result is in just under a quarter of an hour.

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The new rapid test from Nal von Minden GmbH, a manufacturer of medical technology products, has already obtained a European marketing authorization.

The NADALR Covid-19 Antigen Test was developed for the general public. The product allows more people to be tested, which means that infected people can be identified immediately, thus protecting more people from the spread of the epidemic.

Roland Meissner, CEO of the company in Moers, Germany, highlighted.

In addition to its speed, its efficiency also makes the new test special. THE Exceeds 99.9 percentdiagnostic specificity, which provides information on whether the test recognizes all healthy individuals tested. And its diagnostic sensitivity is 97.56 percent, indicating how well the test recognizes all patients among the patients studied.
