Index – Foreign – Greater hardening in Viktor Orbán’s virus laboratory


Officially already a There is talk of a second wave of coronavirus in Austria. The situation is particularly dire in Vienna, with the number of new infections approaching five hundred by the end of the week. Thus starting today September 14 throughout the country

  • there is a general obligation to wear a mask from commerce to indoor sporting events
  • A mask should also be worn in schools, outside of classrooms.
  • no food or drinks are served at the bar counter
  • events that do not have fixed seats may have a maximum of fifty people inside and hundreds of people outside;

Last Sunday, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on the population to cooperate and warned that there could soon be a thousand new infections a day in the Alpine country. According to him, this year’s autumn and winter will be difficult, the old order can be restored next summer. According to recent data, Austria is the 67th most infected country in the world, with more than 33,000 coronavirus patients and at least 757 deaths from complications.

It also affects the Sopron area

Today, Der Standard in Vienna also writes that the almost complete closure of the Hungarian-Austrian border is having a negative impact on Hungarian service providers in the Sopron area, such as hairdressers, beauticians and vendors.

Meanwhile, in preparation for the difficult fall and winter, 3,000 people in Vienna want to get a free flu shot.

Health Minister Rudi Anschober also made it clear that this year could not be as scandalous a season in Austrian ski havens as last year, which turned Tyrol into a European epidemic. Tourists should stay away from each other in relaxation after skiing.

Viktor Orbán’s Laboratory

The situation in Austria is important because Viktor Orbán called Austria the epidemiological laboratory in April, and the Hungarian authorities are monitoring the brother-in-law’s position with the pandemic.

We are lucky … because there is a country between Italy and Hungary. It is called Austria. The situation is that everyone is groping in the dark, but they are groping in front of us in the dark, so I see Austria as a laboratory, not a threat. So if they are releasing certain prohibitions there and trying to get back to the normal course of life, they must be observed, taken into account, analyzed, learned from them and what works, must take over. Let’s be glad that once we’re finally not the experimental mice

Said the Hungarian Prime Minister.
