Index – Foreign – Gay Scandals in America: The Rise of Denial


Leftists fall into corruption, conservatives into sex scandals, the saying goes. The former is not necessarily true abroad either, but there have been countless examples of the latter in the last 15 years.

Tile Bar became the loser

Larry Craig He was a Republican senator in Idaho for 18 years. A staunch opponent of gay rights, in June 2007, tried to find a quick male romance in an airport bathroom, much to his dismay with a plainclothes police officer. He later tried to protect his combined attempt at urinal with only

Too big

stood up but not hot, it never was. The latest sentence was off the mark, with five men fast-forwarding from their past, including a prostituted child. Craig’s term was just coming to an end and he was no longer nominated for another term. Thus ended his three-decade political career.

I had already failed as a candidate

I was 34 at the time Steve Wiles In 2014, he ran for senator from North Carolina in Republican colors. In his campaign, he vehemently supported the ban on same-sex marriage, on deeply religious grounds. But a week before the election, a newspaper article revealed that she had been the queen of a transvestite magazine a few years earlier:

Miss Miss Mona Sinclair

made in warm places. The politician denied everything despite the very convincing photographic illustration, and after his electoral fall, he permanently retired from politics and became a real estate agent. Wiles then referred to her era as a female impersonator as an awkward job, adding that she also learned many positive things from the case.

His victory was in the past

Mark foley The congressman (Florida) in 2006 was confident of winning his reelection campaign. The conservative legislature pressed the no button multiple times when it came to voting to guarantee gay rights. As it turned out, he pressed his phone in his spare time, in a state of strong emotion. From his messages to interns, he became a true classic

Take a ruler and weigh it!

It also quickly became clear to the public from the context that he was not trying to help the young man with DIY. As a result of the scandal, Foley resigned and Republicans lost their majority in the House of Commons after it was revealed that several of his key men knew about Foley’s affairs.

It was discovered on CNN.

Or there are dozens more overseas falls though Ken mehlman your case stands out for all three reasons.

  • The volume of hypocrisy comes first. Being gay, Mehlman was not only known for his occasional homophobia, but he ran an entire campaign to ban gay marriage. The reelection of George W. Bush in 2004 was questionable at the time, so Republican strategists invented that one day, with the presidential election, Americans (then even more dismissive on the subject) would vote for same-sex unions. Hoping that, by the way, they would also pull the icicle alongside the conservative Bush. The plan arrived.
  • The way of falling is also dazzling. However, the cynicism outlined above has so far not been overcome by audiences contrary to Mehlman, a star commentator on politics on sexual preference, on a 2006 live broadcast, Bill Maher. hidden in the heat named former Bush campaign manager. CNN was so locked in on the incident that it removed this sentence from the replay and the online version of the show.
  • It is also unprecedented for such a story to end with a happy ending, but here it happened. After persistent denial, Mehlman admitted in a 2010 magazine article that he had always been drawn to his own gender. And ever since then, he has been helping the work of gay rights activists, with his enormous organizing routine as a campaign manager in Washington.
