Index – Foreign – Fauci: the spread of the virus can become uncontrollable


On Tuesday, the U.S. Congressional Committee heard from President Donald Trump’s chief defense officer of the coronavirus on the subject of defense. Fauci warned state governors of the irreversible effects of the hasty opening, and stressed that if they were not careful, the spread of the virus would become uncontrollable. “If you miss the necessary stations [az újranyitás folyamatában]Instead of small surges, new epidemics can emerge, “he said.

He added that even under the strictest conditions, the number of cases will increase, which is unavoidable, making it clear that if they are not careful, they can have serious consequences.

He said he expected the impact of the second wave of the fall to be limited, but that it would require an adequate amount of protective equipment, testing capabilities and health resources. “This virus will not only disappear, but can be present anywhere on Earth, from where it can come back to us later, even if we can stop it completely,” he said. At the moment, however, the coronavirus epidemic in the United States is not yet under control, so no one should think that they would be in complete control of the situation, but at least they are already moving in the right direction based on the curve. epidemic.

The home counselor in the home quarantine also discussed that.

  • are working on the development of several vaccines at the same time, as this can multiply the effectiveness of the defense by giving them more opportunities in research,
  • however, the vaccine will surely not be ready in three months, when approximately 5,000 universities would have to reopen it to 20 million students across the country,
  • the actual mortality rate is almost certainly higher than that officially registered because they cannot identify all cases, but they did not want to estimate the discrepancy rate.

In addition to Fauci, the head of the US Office of Epidemiology was heard. Robert Redfield, Brett Giroir, Secretary of State for Health and Human Resources, and Stephen Hahn, chief of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Redfield emphasized the importance of testing and increasing testing capacity, without which a more serious reopening cannot begin. And a plan for this will be released soon. Giroir said that if they reach the peak, they will be able to manufacture, deliver and perform between 40 and 50 million coronavirus tests per month. As of now, they want to run 12.9 million tests in the next four weeks.

The United States, the country most affected by the coronavirus epidemic, has already registered nearly 1.4 million new types of coronavirus cases, with more than 80,000 victims.
