Index – Foreign – Facebook Postponed Employees Asking to Block Trump


Upon seeing the siege of the Capitol, Facebook staff began an exchange of internal messages, with several calling for the immediate deletion of Donald Trump’s account. However, the social network responded within an hour and without explanation, administrators froze the conversation, writes BuzzFeed News.

Donald Trump directly instigated the terrorist attack on Capitol Hill. We need to delete your account now. This is not a moment of reluctance

Wrote one of the commenters.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to BuzzFeed that staff are actively discussing the events in Washington, but did not respond to why the talks were banned.

There was a commenter who complained that the company has made a great contribution to the evolution of events because they are slow to react to events and do not act sufficiently against the spread of misleading information.

The former head of security for the social network, Alex Stamos, asked his former employer on Twitter to ban the president of the United States from accessing the platform because deleting certain publications does not work, and even canceling the account can stop this type of behavior.

However, Stamos told BuzzFeed that it is up to Mark Zuckerberg to make that decision.

Facebook, however, blocked the president’s account for 24 hours after the riots, during which time it was unable to post anything on the community site. Later, Twitter also blocked the president’s account.
