Index – Foreign – EP puts the British before the Brexit case


The leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament had two days to reach an agreement on the Brexit case. In other words, they can only guarantee that a Brexit deal that has not yet been concluded will be adopted before the December 31 deadline if:

the parties will reach an agreement before December 20

– can be found on the portal of the European Parliament.

The Index had previously reported that the European Union and the British had been unable to agree on a number of issues for months, making it unlikely that an agreement would be reached within the next two days.

British Prime Minister says there will hardly be a deal in Brexit talks

According to him, this further separates the UK and the European Union as friends.

The EP stressed that it wanted an agreement in any case, but not one that did not benefit the Member States of the European Union. It was emphasized that, in exchange for unprecedented market access, the UK should commit to regulating fair competition.

I still see the possibility of an agreement, but the very little time that remains must be used effectively if we want the agreement to enter into force on 1 January. We are making one last attempt to put an end to the controversial issues surrounding fishing.

Michel Barnier, EU chief negotiator, said. Many MEPs called for unimpeded access to British waters for the European fishing fleet. The British, by contrast, would continue to insist that the quotas be renewed annually. However, the EU delegation does not want to hear about this either.

In any case, the European Parliament is preparing to hold an extraordinary session on December 28, but I would insist that, in the event of such a complex agreement, you have time to read what you are voting on.
