Index – Foreign – Coronavirus: The closure of the entire country has also been mentioned in Italian politics


Healthcare urges spring-like nationwide shutdown after daily caseload on Friday It exceeded 19,000 and a night curfew has already been imposed in six regions. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that if necessary, further adjustments would be made, including on Monday.

We want to avoid, at all costs, the stagnation of the economy and education and the reclosure of the country

Conte emphasized. Previously, the head of government set the number of cases at twenty thousand per day as the threshold at which a partial or national curfew restriction could be imposed twenty-four hours a day. According to press reports, the government will wait until the end to apply this.

Italy is considering an increase in the spread of the epidemic in Spain and France and wants to stop the further jump in the epidemic curve with precautionary measures. The tightening introduced as of October 13, including a night curfew, will remain in effect until November 13.

Nicola Zingaretti, general secretary of the Democratic Party (PD) in the left-wing government, said that the majority of the government is currently putting its future to fight the epidemic.

Opposition Giorgia Meloni, president of the Italian Right Brothers (FdI), says the government is in a hurry because it is not prepared for another wave in health, education or transport.

The armed forces have announced that they are ready to assist in virus testing of the mass population with stations installed on the streets.

In the province of Lazio around Rome, the curfew will come into effect from midnight on Friday until five in the morning, but the most visited squares and streets of the capital will be closed from nine. Campania, Calabria, Piedmont and Sardinia have also introduced a night curfew. In Lombardy, a night curfew was introduced on Thursday.

Hundreds of Italian researchers, including doctors, have called for drastic measures in an open letter because they believe that otherwise the country will not prevent mass deaths.

Campania Governor Vincenzo De Luca, who also banned movement within the province at the same time as the night curfew, urged a national lockdown with an immediate stop to interprovincial traffic. But Luca has stated that if the government does not act, it will automatically close Campania.

We are one step away from tragedy, I don’t want a line of military trucks in Naples to transport the dead.

He said, referring to the city of Bergamo, where in the spring there was not enough space in crematoria and the armed forces had to transport the dead to other cities.

The number of infected people identified in one day reached 19,143 after conducting more than 182,000 virus tests. Ninety-one patients lost their lives. Currently, there are more than 186 thousand active patients, more than ten thousand are in the hospital, more than a thousand intensively. Intensive care units can still house just over a thousand patients across the country.

Most of the new patients, nearly 5,000, were registered in Lombardy, half of them in the Milan area. In second place is Campania with more than two thousand cases a day, which was largely prevented by an epidemic in the spring.

On September 23, 1,640 new daily infections were identified nationwide and on October 1, more than 2,500. In order to reduce the congestion of public transport in the capital, tourist buses that are not currently used will be put on the market.

In Naples, catering services and merchants held a peaceful street demonstration to demand the freezing of taxes and utility bills. Protest movements from various professions have become commonplace. The infected people were also examined in the kitchen of the Roman Palace of Heads of State: the chef and two members of his staff were quarantined.
