Index – Foreign – Coronavirus: According to WHO, the situation in the Czech Republic is extremely worrying


The Prague office of the World Health Organization (WHO) called the development of the coronavirus epidemic in the Czech Republic worrying, but Prime Minister Andrej Babis harshly criticized and rejected the WHO statement.

“Recent data shows the spread of the epidemic across the country and an increase in the number of patients needing hospital treatment, including those with serious conditions.” – can be read in a statement issued by the WHO Office in the Czech Republic on Tuesday. The organization says it is necessary to increase the capacity of the smart quarantine system.

Zdenka Jágrová, director of the Prague Medical Officers Service, said a few days ago that that Prague is slowly unable to follow the map of infected relationships. Health Minister Adam Vojtech informed the government on Monday that they are only considering investigating those who have been in contact with those who have been confirmed to have been infected in recent days.

Prime Minister Andrej Babis said then that the issue would be examined by experts and that a decision would be made on Friday.

“There is no alternative to testing, contact discovery and isolation of the infected, not here (in the Czech Republic) or anywhere else.” Says WHO. The solution to this problem is to expand the capacity of the smart quarantine system, says the WHO.

“It would have been better if the WHO had listened” – The Czech Prime Minister responded to the statement. According to Babis, unlike the WHO, the Czech government recognized the epidemic threat in a timely manner and took appropriate action.

In the Czech Republic, 563 new confirmed coronavirus infections were detected on Monday, and the number of cases per day now exceeds 600 for the sixth time. There are currently 8,424 confirmed infected people, the highest number so far. Although the evolution of the disease is mild in most, the number of hospital admissions has risen to 214. Of these, 54 are connected to a ventilator, according to data from the Ministry of Health on Tuesday morning. The number of deaths rose to 437. The situation is worse in Pelhrimov and Prague, where there are 101 and 74 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively.

In Prague, the mandatory use of a mask will be extended from Wednesday: in addition to public transport, health institutions and offices, shops and shopping centers will now only be accessible with a mask. The use of a mask will also be mandatory for upper secondary students in the common and closed rooms of the institution. The bars and clubs will be closed at midnight.
