Index – Foreign – Caucasus powder keg exploded


A state of emergency was declared and a full military mobilization was ordered in Armenia on Sunday after a clash between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces that also claimed civilian casualties. Azerbaijani forces attacked targets in the Karabakh Mountains with heavy artillery,

There was also a coup in Martuni where a woman and a child died.

Foreign reports point out that the Azeri and Armenian-backed forces are separated by a densely under-exploited no-man’s-land, that is, it is located in uninhabited areas. At the same time, several recordings have been posted on local community sites reporting on the plight of the civilian population. According to local reports, the shells also crashed into the region’s headquarters, Stepanakert, and the surrounding villages, with several houses damaged and wounded.

However, the Baku government said the action was a backlash in response to Armenian-backed forces attacking Azerbaijani targets in the region. Yerevan’s Defense Ministry has released several videos showing Azerbaijani tank fire.

The first news appeared Sunday morning about the renewed conflict. Armenia’s Defense Ministry said its army had shot down two Azerbaijani helicopters, one of which was recognized by Baku, adding that Azerbaijani soldiers were not injured in the case. The Armenians were also reportedly shot dead by three drones in the airspace of the disputed area.

On behalf of the EU Member States, Charles Michel expressed serious concern and called on the parties to immediately halt the military operations and return to negotiations.

This is the only way forward, the only way to prevent the conflict from escalating.

wrote on his Twitter post President of the European Council .

Nagorno-Karabakh or Arcah?

It doesn’t matter what we call it, because according to international law, the independence of the territory, which belongs to Azerbaijan but is almost one hundred percent Armenian, is not recognized by any UN member state in the world, only separatist states like Abkhazia and Ossetia. of the South or Moldova. Transnistria became independent in the middle of the 19th century.

However, it has de facto been operating as an independent state for more than a quarter of a century. It declared its independence on September 2, 1991, which according to historians also played a decisive role in the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was unable to cope with the situation. Ethnic differences swept under the carpet in the Soviet era erupted with an elemental force that first led to the Sumagian pogrom and then escalated into a war without war messages between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The six-year bloodshed is estimated to have claimed 40,000 lives, exacerbating the situation for a million refugees. There is no family that does not mourn a relative killed in battles.

More recently, the armed forces of Azerbaijan and Armenia clashed in July, then on the state border between the two countries, in the Tovuz region, claiming victims of the conflict. Baku then emphasized that the confrontation was started by Armenian artillery while blaming Yerevan’s eastern neighbor, saying that Azerbaijani militants tried to cross the border in an all-terrain vehicle. According to official figures, five Armenian soldiers and twelve Azerbaijanis, including a general, were killed in the four-day conflict.

What made the summer flash particularly interesting was that the parties exceptionally blamed not only each other but the coronavirus as well. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pasinjan, who has also contracted the disease previously, put it that way.

the more the epidemic spreads and the worse the socio-economic situation in Azerbaijan, the stronger the anti-Armenian militaristic rhetoric in the country’s political-military leadership.

The Head of State of Azerbaijan made a similar statement: İlham Aliyev is.

In July, the economy in both states collapsed as a result of the epidemic, and Azerbaijan was also hit by falling oil prices since the spring, all of which exacerbated tensions between the two countries. In general, the situation of the Armenian and Azerbaijani economies is in tune with the recurring conflicts in Nagorno-Karabakh. Before the summer crash, 2016 also saw economic and social problems that led to an armed confrontation.

As a result of a referendum held in Nagorno-Karabakh three years ago, he is of Turkish origin. Karabakh Armenian name Arcahreplaced by the republic, which also commemorates the brutal war on its national flag. The red of the three-color flag symbolizes spilled blood.

A year later, they also contributed to the polls in neighboring Azerbaijan. In the presidential elections there, President İlham Aliyev also played the card of the “Ancient Azerbaijani land of Yerevan”. And if we take a look at Azerbaijani military spending, which is growing by two percentage points a year, there are fears that Baku’s leaders will take it seriously.

Azerbaijan already threatens a rocket attack on Armenia's nuclear power plant

Artillery clashes have been raging on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border for days, and Peter Szijjártó will visit Azerbaijan on Friday.

The Hungarian thread

Just as the Azerbaijani assassin Ramil Safarov, who had been killing his fellow Armenian military man in Budapest for 21 years, became a national hero and was promoted to lieutenant colonel instead of being held accountable. After the decision, Armenia broke off diplomatic relations with Hungary, and then several suspicious cases emerged, such as the Panama Papers, which reach a thread from Azerbaijan to Hungary.

Ramil Safarov, sentenced to life imprisonment for his murder in Budapest, was immediately released in Baku.

In fact, there were few cases where the Hungarian flag was burned, but the extradition decision in Budapest led to this. For the Orban government, economic relations with Azerbaijan and the gas deal seem to nullify everything. Which is a little gas.

Mol is investing in one of the largest oil fields in the world in Azerbaijan.

The ACG field, the Azeri joint extraction platform of the world’s largest oil companies, Mol, has landed here.

(Cover image: afp)
