Index – Foreign – Bill Gates: Coronavirus is causing a quarter-century decline


According to a report released by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on Tuesday, there has been a significant decline in almost all indicators, most notably in the eradication of poverty and inequality. Extreme poverty rates increased 7 percent as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.

The report also notes that vaccination coverage has fallen to levels seen in the 1990s, leading to

the epidemic set the world back by about 25 years in 25 weeks.

The adverse economic effects of the epidemic have exacerbated inequalities between women and ethnic minorities. The recession is hitting people living in extreme poverty especially hard.

After 20 consecutive years of decreasing extreme poverty, we have seen a reversal of the trend. Approximately 40 million people have returned to extreme poverty

Said Mark Suzman, executive director of the Gates Foundation.

The Gates Foundation Goalkeepers report, published by MTI, cites IMF estimates that $ 18 trillion has been spent strengthening the world economy since the epidemic began, but the global economy will lose at least $ 12 trillion by the end of 2021. the largest loss of world GDP since World War II.

Although the prospects are now very bleak, Gates is confident that the world will overcome the epidemic and return to the path of development to improve health care.

The coronavirus threatens the development of a society in ruins

According to security policy experts, the coronavirus epidemic facing Hungarian healthcare poses a risk to national security.

(Cover image: Bill Gates. Photo: Getty Images)
