Index – Foreign – Biden would return the short leash to the world


The other day, it became clear that if the Democratic presidential candidate wins on November 3, another world will welcome him and that could affect us too.

Joe Biden also referred to Hungary as a totalitarian regime alongside Belarus and Poland.

The wording was immediately rejected by Péter Szijjártó, the head of Hungarian diplomacy.

But Biden starts from the United States when he describes his foreign policy ideas in an earlier writing.

Reviving democracy

Referring to the erosion of the United States’ democratic system under President Donald Trump, Biden envisions a renewal of this in his article in the Foreign Affairs Journal. At the national level, it promises a reform of the education system that will provide opportunities for all without discrimination. Reflecting that the law that led to the mass incarceration of people of color was tied to his name, the presidential candidate vowed to reform the judicial system. It also restores accountability and transparency in government operations.

Our nation must show that America is ready to lead again … not just by the example of our strength, but also by the strength of our example.

Biden presumably suggests that the same will be expected of the states in the US sphere of interest that will characterize the US political system. He intends for the White House to once again be an advocate for democratic values, including freedom of the press, fair elections and an independent judiciary. And anyone who does not adhere to these values ​​will face the Biden government. This is also what he refers to in supporting the country of origin of Central American immigrants: whoever takes the expected steps, the concrete reforms, gets the money.

Be democratic or you will regret it!

The Democratic presidential candidate also vowed to reform America’s electoral system by outlining the establishment of a new agency, the so-called Federal Ethics Committee, to oversee campaign finance, especially foreign donations. And with this step at the same time


According to Biden, by leading the “most corrupt” administration in modern American history, Trump has fueled the spread of kleptocracy in other parts of the world. In doing so, he is warning not only authoritarian regimes, but also America’s allies turning toward authoritarianism. He also notes that Trump not only tolerated the world’s dictatorial leaders, but often praised them as well.

He intends to hold a Global Summit for Democracy in the first year of his presidency, in which the United States would present its expectations: the fight against corruption and dictatorship, and the improvement and protection of human rights. The guests, on the other hand, would indicate their intention to cooperate with the United States by their appearance.

Biden indicates that during his presidency they will monitor global monetary flows, tax havens, which will make it “more difficult for leaders to steal from their people under the guise of front companies.” The Democratic presidential candidate reportedly wants to point out what hurts the most people: their wallets. This will force the leaders involved to work together.

Gendarmerie on the World Wide Web

Biden tells the tech giants, the social media operators:

Freedom of expression cannot be an excuse for tech and social media companies to spread harmful lies.

There will be an expectation that

The technology of the companies in question should not contribute to the strengthening of repressive and restrictive privacy surveillance systems, as in China.

According to the presidential candidate, American tech companies can expect a shorter leash and more oversight. But his vice presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, is likely to allay the concerns of the Silicon Valley giants with whom he maintains good relationships. The message is clear: you are cooperating because otherwise …

Maintain superiority

Presumably, the Democratic candidate wants to continue with Trump America First’s policy aimed at reviving the US economy. Similarly, Biden envisions the long-term building of a strong economy that would be based on the middle class: infrastructure developments, educational reforms, even greater access to health care, increased minimum wage. It also says:

The United States must continue to be the world leader in technological innovation.

This refers to maintaining military and information technology supremacy. This would also affect Biden’s foreign policy, as the United States, with a strong national economic and technological background, could only regain its position as a world leader. The presidential candidate repeatedly nostalgically mentions that this is how they became a world power in the 20th century and strongly suggests that their goal is to continue this “tradition.”

China, China, China

Biden places great emphasis on China, the economic, technological and slowly military rival of the United States.

More than 95 percent of the world’s population lives beyond our borders, and we want to take advantage of these markets.

He criticizes the protectionism that has taken root under Trump and the trade wars that he says have erupted irresponsibly, punishing America’s allies and workers. However, he sees China as a special case that needs to be tackled harshly, otherwise the Asian country will dominate the technology and industry of the future.

Countries will continue to trade, regardless of whether the United States is involved or not. The question is: who writes the business rules?

According to the Democratic politician, a unified trade alliance (also) favorable to the Americans could limit China’s global ambitions. Meanwhile, Beijing could cooperate in pursuit of common interests, such as the fight against climate change, the Non-Proliferation Treaty and global health security.

Diplomacy should not be restored at the expense of military dominance, Biden said. The military would be the last tool used to achieve America’s goals. It would continue negotiations with North Korea and redirect Iran back to a renewed nuclear deal instead of what Trump canceled in 2018 and as a result of which Tehran continued to enrich uranium. However, these steps would not be detrimental to the military presence.

Biden would likely take advantage of the wide foreign policy leeway created by the Trump administration.

You can also take advantage of concessions disputed by the Republican president in trade agreements, especially with respect to China.

If we have to, we’ll get there

Biden also admits that it is time to end the “eternal wars”, but not with a complete withdrawal. In addition, it promotes the American presence in the world, but mainly through special units of the army and intelligence. He sees no point in deploying tens of thousands of Marines. He would presumably replace this with further strengthening of the high-tech warfare that flourished during the Obama era, as well as advisory and coordinating support from local forces. They were going to the country, but there would be no American blood flowing in foreign countries that could be presented as a political victory. The proxies, that is, the less important countries, should fight more.

The Biden plan also includes strengthening military alliances, as opposed to the “destructive” steps of the Trump administration.

The Kremlin fears a strong NATO, the most effective political-military alliance in modern history

Biden emphasizes, indicating that he wants to forge closer ties with his allies vis-à-vis Trump. It would develop federal regimes in North America and Europe in Asia, Latin America and Africa; this would be complemented by economic cooperation. This is aimed at curbing the military and economic expansion of China and Russia. The essence:

Whoever is not with us is against us, but we will be – with our export of democracy – to have everyone with us sooner or later.

Biden sums up his foreign policy ideas as follows:

More friendship, more cooperation, more alliances and more democracy!
