Index – Foreign – Austria: If there is no full short circuit, restrictions will apply


Even after an orderly full shutdown due to the coronavirus epidemic, severe restrictions are expected in Austria, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said in an interview with today’s issue of the daily Kleine Zeitung, which was reviewed by the MTI. The chancellor indicated that the government does not plan a hasty opening.

Everyone must be aware that we will have to live under austerity for weeks, months. The goal is to open schools and business units cautiously after December 7.

Kurz said. The chancellor mentioned a massive test that will begin next week with the aim of locating asymptomatic diseases and breaking the chains of infection by detecting them.

The prime minister promised an action plan to open the ski slopes, which are currently closed. He added that the government’s stated intention is to allow people to play more sports in the foreseeable future, especially when it comes to individual and outdoor sports activities.

Austria opens for the last time today

If Viktor Orbán’s experimental laboratory is here, we can start to worry.

In Austria, the 24-hour curfew has been in effect since November 17, with schools, shops, restaurants, cultural and leisure facilities closed, only shops selling basic goods, and pharmacies open, all of which are expected to is open until December 6.
