Index – Foreign – Austria expects 60,000 vaccine doses per week in January


Austria expects 60,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine a week in January, the Austrian daily Kurier reported.

Vaccinations in nursing homes and nursing homes across the country will begin on January 12 with an increase in the dose of the BioNTech – Pfizer vaccine, now 60,000 per week.

The vaccination campaign effectively began on December 27 with a total of ten thousand vaccines, of which all provinces received the same amount. Vaccinations were started among nursing home residents and staff working there, with an attendance rate of around 50 percent.

The experience of the first vaccines is extremely important not only from a health point of view, but also from a logistical point of view, the article writes. Nursing homes and retirement homes will be able to submit their vaccine claims to the public procurement center as of January 5. Based on the requests received, delivery to the provinces will begin through 17 distribution bases. The goal is to start vaccinating the elderly safely across Austria on January 12.

As the European Medicines Agency (EMA) decides to approve the vaccine at the Moderna US pharmaceutical plant.On January 6, Austria expects an additional 200,000 doses from the US company in addition to the one million doses of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine. tied for the first quarter. Unlike the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine, which must be stored at minus 70 degrees, Moderna requires storage at minus 20 degrees, but two consecutive vaccinations are also required for this vaccine to be effective.

Our goal is to safely prepare the vaccine in accordance with our vaccination strategy and distribute the vaccine to affected people at an accelerated rate and comprehensively. This will ensure that the required second vaccinations are administered on time.

Austrian Health Minister Rudolf Anschober told several newspapers.
