Index – Foreign – AstraZeneca in the UK: 30 cases of blood clots, seven deaths


Thirty cases of blood clots are known in the UK in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca, seven of whom have lost their lives, reports Sky News.

According to the British Medicines and Health Products Regulation Agency (MHRA), as of March 21, a total of 18.1 million people had been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, of which 2.2 million had received the second dose. In these vaccinated, 30 people were diagnosed with blood clots, of which seven died.

According to the British Hematological Society, complications seen in patients may be related to thrombocytopenia, a lower than normal number of platelets. However, the scientists emphasized that there is no evidence yet that the complications were caused by the vaccine.

It is important to emphasize that there is currently no clear association between vaccine development and blood clot formation.

Said Professor Robin Shattock, a researcher at Imperial College London.

He added that in light of the above result, blood clots are no more common in vaccine recipients than in the general population.
