Index – Foreign – According to Joe Biden, Donald Trump is responsible for the violence in American cities


Biden said in a speech in Pittsburgh on Monday that

The looting and arson is not a show, but a mild and simple illegality. Whoever does something like this must be held accountable.

According to Biden, violence does not bring change, it only destroys and is harmful in all respects, has nothing to do with old civil rights movements, and is even a marked break with the policies of civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther. King or the recently deceased John Lewis, so it must end. .

It separates us and does not unite us. We must not ignite, we must build.

Biden Donald Trump, held him responsible for the scathing violence in every city. Violence is happening in Donald Trump’s United States, he said, and the president can’t deal with it because he’s been inciting it for years. In Biden’s view, Trump is incapable of telling the truth, confronting the facts and uniting the nation.

It incites violence in our cities, and instead of defending the country, dealing with the economy and the coronavirus epidemic, it is in favor of chaos and violence. Does anyone believe that there will be a greater order in the country if Donald Trump is re-elected?

Biden described himself as an advocate for peaceful protesters who could bring protesters against police violence to the negotiating table with local elected officials and law enforcement officials. He promised reconciliation should he be elected president.

Analysts say the presidential candidate’s appearance in Pittsburgh indicates a shift in Biden’s campaign strategy thus far.

So far, Biden has communicated with his constituents almost exclusively from the study in the basement of his home. In Pittsburgh, Biden also announced that he would embark on a campaign tour of the so-called battlefield states – that is, those member states where voter sentiment tends to fluctuate and people do not clearly vote Democratic or Republican. (MTI / Index)
