Index – Foreign – According to Brussels, a blogger who posted a quarantine was tortured


Both the United States and the European Union are protesting the condemnation of a Wuhan blogger exploring the spread of the coronavirus.

Wrote the South China Morning Post.

The Hong Kong daily news portal also quotes US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo as saying in his statement that the United States deeply condemns the court ruling against Zhang Zhan and calls on the People’s Republic of China to release the journalist immediately.

Foreign observers were not allowed into the hasty trial, which shows how much the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) fears that its citizens will tell the truth.

Pompeo said.

The 37-year-old lawyer, Chang Chang, was officially released in November and sentenced to four years in prison by a Chinese court on Monday. As early as May, authorities arrested him after Chang traveled to Wuhan in central China, the first focal point of the epidemic after the emergence of the corona virus. In addition to the draconian restrictions, he also documented the production of journalists and later shared the recordings on national and international community sites. Therefore, the Chinese authorities argue that it has violated the emergency legislation adopted to curb the epidemic and prevent panic.

The Chinese Communist Party’s English news portal, The Global Times, also draws attention in an opinion piece: China has served as a model for many countries to take action against the epidemic, and therefore the Western world is using unfairly the Chang case to blacken Beijing.

The BBC has already reported that Chiang’s lawyer says the blogger is in very poor physical and mental condition, in part due to a hunger strike that began during his detention. European Union Foreign Service spokesman Peter Stano said in a statement condemning Beijing that Chiang was allegedly tortured in captivity by Chinese authorities.

“It is essential that he receive adequate medical care,” the Union’s foreign affairs spokesman said.

Brussels also protested that a Chinese court on Wednesday imposed a prison sentence on Hong Kong fugitives detained by Chinese authorities in August while trying to flee to Taiwan by speedboat.
