Index – Foreign – A young doctor who participated in the vaccine tests died


A 28-year-old doctor from Rio de Janeiro who volunteered to clinically test the coronavirus vaccine at the University of Oxford and the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has died, Brazilian media reported Wednesday.

MTI writes that Brazil’s National Health Service has confirmed that a Brazilian volunteer for the trial program has died.

He is the first coronavirus victim to participate in a testing program for a coronavirus vaccine in development.

They write. Brazilian television CNN knows that the young doctor also worked on the front lines of the fight against coronavirus in two hospitals in Rio, was infected with the Covid-19 virus and had complications before dying. Regarding his participation in the test program, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo and the Bloomberg news agency, citing unidentified sources, wrote that

the man was a test subject who received a placebo as a member of the control group, not a vaccine.

However, this has yet to be confirmed by other news sources. The case in Brazil is being investigated, but the University of Oxford, which developed the vaccine, said the testing program would continue because “according to a conclusion by an independent committee and a recommendation from the Brazilian health authorities” it was not dangerous for those involved. . because a test subject got sick.
