Index – Foreign – A German politician who was shot in the head was sentenced to life imprisonment


Stephan Ernst, who has been found guilty of the murder of Walter Lübcke in 2019, remains in prison for the rest of his life. According to the indictment, Stephan Ernst, now 47, was shot up close in the head by a Hessian politician from the German ruling party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), who was resting in the garden of his home. family. .

Lübcke led the Kassel city regional council in CDU colors and became known in 2015 after openly advocating for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to admit refugees and become an advocate for the case.

Lübcke told a public forum at the town hall that Christian values ​​shape his thinking and that those who do not like those values ​​can leave the country.

Stephan Ernst was also reportedly present at the meeting, who was said to have followed the politician and learned of the use of weapons from Markus H., an acquaintance who also filed a lawsuit, but got out of the case with a suspended sentence of a year and a half.

Ernst was already known to the authorities, was a pro-neo-Nazi activist from the German National Democratic Party (NPD) and received a suspended prison sentence in 2009 for participating in a far-right attack by the National Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) on May 1, the MTI adds above. The Index wrote more about the killer’s background here.

The authorities identified the motive for the murder in his political radicalism, explaining that he was deeply outraged by Lübcke’s statements about the reception of asylum seekers.

The crime is considered the first far-right political assassination in post-WWII German history.

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