Index – Foreign – 32 years from now, but the bomb maker could get their hands on it


Thirty-two years after the Lockerbie disaster of December 21, 1988, almost all the protagonists are dead. PanAm immediately lost his life in the Libyan assassination attempt on US Flight 103.

  • the flight has 243 passengers, including 189 Americans, and a young couple from Vác: János Roller and his wife, their five-year-old daughter, Edina, and a retiree from Budapest, Gábor Ibolya Druckerné;
  • the machine has a staff of 16 people, and
  • Lockerbie small town in scotland 11 residents struck by colliding machine parts.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the three countries died:

  • Acting President Ronald Reagan († 2004) and George Bush Sr. († 2018);
  • Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister († 2013) and
  • Colonel Moammer el-Gaddafi, dictator of Libya († 2011).

PanAm has ceased to exist and the only convict in the Lockerbie case is no longer alive,

  • Abdelbasszet al-Meghrabi, the Libyan secret agent who dropped the bomb on the plane († 2012) wk.

But almost all the protagonists died. Four are still alive, and this has become important in recent days. still alive

  • William Barr, 70, who was the United States Attorney General (and Federal Attorney General) at the time of the 1991 indictment, as he is now;
  • Ken Dornstein, a well-known American investigative journalist (51);
  • Former Libyan spy Abdallah as-Senus, Gaddafi’s brother-in-law (68), and
  • Abuagila Mohammed Masud (?), A well-known Libyan bomb maker.

From La Belle to Lockerbie

In 1988, Dornstein, then 19 years old, lost his brother in the Lockerbie assassination, which Gaddafi may have ordered due to the US bombing of his country two years earlier. (The latter, on the other hand, was preceded by a 1986 terror attack on La Belle, a nightclub in West Berlin; American soldiers were also killed.) you can collect in Washington.

Dornstein linked the disco’s missing links to la belle with Lockerbie, and in 2015 presented a three-part documentary about the case called My Brother’s Blaster.

The most missing link was precisely: who made the plastic bomb that blew the plane through the air?

Senusi, who may also be affected, and Masud are also in a Libyan prison, according to current press reports. The first was also indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the second was sentenced to ten years in prison for making bombs.

William Barr recently announced that he will resign now on Wednesday, before the end of the Trump administration’s January term, after again, this time resigning with President Donald Trump over the issue of electoral cleanup.

Barr said 29 years ago, in the 1991 indictment:

We will not rest until all those responsible have been brought to justice.

If you want to take action against Masud as well, you still have two days to do so, and US press reports say it could be your dismissal as a public figure. It could even pave the way for the first American Lockerbie trial; Meghrabit was still convicted in the Netherlands by a Scottish court of law.

Initially, PanAm passengers were offered compensation of $ 10 to 10 million per head, but press reports said families ended up receiving less money.

Cover image: Getty Images Hungary Photographer: Bryn Colton
