Index – Foreign – 18 US member states would invalidate the election result


The state of Texas filed a lawsuit in the United States Supreme Court to invalidate Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election, the MTI said.

According to the federal state, massive fraud was committed in several states during the elections.

As of Thursday, the lawsuit was joined as a plaintiff or supporter by justice ministers from 17 other states and 106 Republican members of Congress from Washington.

According to the petition, there was massive fraud in the states of Michigan, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, in which Joe Biden won, so the Supreme Court should annul the votes of the 62 electors delegated by the four states (this would virtually reverse the electoral result).

The 106 Republican members of Congress wrote in the explanatory memorandum attached to the request:

The unconstitutional irregularities call into question the fairness of the US electoral system and the outcome of the elections.

The action was also brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton,

against whom several investigations are being carried out.

The most serious of these is an FBI investigation launched after several of his aides accused the attorney general of corruption. He reportedly received a subpoena from the Federal Bureau of Investigation in this case on Wednesday.

Some suspect Paxton only wants to give Trump a good point for a possible presidential pardon if he gets into a difficult position.

Incidentally, Donald Trump himself announced that he would join the Texas action as a plaintiff. He wrote on Twitter: “The Supreme Court now has a chance to save the country from the biggest electoral fraud in the history of the United States.”

Prior to the Texas lawsuit, a Supreme Court case has so far been filed: in this, a request has been made to suspend the validation of Pennsylvania’s results, and this is still pending.

According to legal experts cited by the AP news agency, the lawsuit

unprecedented in American history,

and there is no possibility of it being accepted, as the plaintiffs demand that the Supreme Court invalidate the votes of tens of millions of voters.

There are also some supportive justice ministers who have admitted that Trump’s mass fraud accusation has been unfounded. North Dakota Justice Minister Wayne Stenehjem, for example, said his state does not accuse the four states in question of being the scene of massive fraud.

But the lawsuit may be so beneficial that the Supreme Court will end the charges once and for all.

Montana Justice Minister Tim Fox said the lawsuit was overdue but raised several important constitutional questions about the separation of powers and the purity of the correspondence.
