Index – Economy – We are looking for a Covid sample country in the Middle East


When it comes to effective protection against the coronavirus, Israel joins nine out of ten people. The country, which obtained the Pfizer vaccine at nearly double the price and vaccinated its entire population at more than 50 percent, has pushed back the spread of the epidemic at a stormy pace. Daily morbidity of more than 3,500 per million people on March 1 had fallen below 380 by April 1, and daily deaths from Covid had dropped from 23 to 8.

There is a state close to Israel that we talk much less about, although it already showed quite good data in 2020: the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates were most frequently included in the “vaccine bulletin” by serving as a site for clinical trials of various coronavirus vaccines. This is likely related to their effective fight against the epidemic.

Research physician Tamás Letoha from Szeged posted an illustrative illustration on our Facebook page on, which perfectly shows what it’s all about.

The curve of the epidemic in the emirates for the past more than a year has been as flat as a pancake.

The number of new cases per day peaked at 88 in late May with the first wave of the virus, also over a million, and 144 at the end of the second. Then came a run-up, with a climax on January 30 and a daily number of 379 cases. They are now at 218. Meanwhile, the Hungarian or even Brazilian data is still in the sky.

In 2020, there was less than one daily death in the country per million people, the peak on February 22, 2021 was 1.6 people. They are currently at 0.5.

In the United Arab Emirates, people were vaccinated with the Sinopharm vaccine in Beijing as early as July last year in the III. in a progressive clinical trial with emergency authorization from September. The Sinopharm Wuhan Institute vaccine is also being tested in the country and the population is being vaccinated with an emergency permit using the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and Sputnik V. At the end of February, they had a vaccination rate of 35.2 percent, and 22 percent already received both doses of the vaccine.

There are those who condemn countries like the Emirates for allowing clinical trials of small and large samples of pharmaceutical companies to test new vaccines in the population. It is not ruled out that they are right in the long term, but in the short and medium term, for now, the UAE seems to serve as a model in the fight against the epidemic.

(Cover image: A healthcare worker injects a man with a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center at the Dubai International Financial Center on February 3, 2021. Photo: Karim SAHIB / AFP )
