Index – Economy – Waiting for a vaccine: how much, what kind, to whom, for how much?


When will the vaccine arrive in Hungary?

It is highly likely that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will decide on the approval of the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine between the United States and Germany at its committee meeting on December 21, and the authorization will be issued for registration before 23 December. December, allowing commercialization in the EU at the same time. agreed in the spirit of “fair play”. Ágnes Galgóczi, head of the epidemiology department at the National Center for Public Health, said in a briefing to operational staff on Thursday that

Health workers could be vaccinated against the coronavirus later this year.

Once EMA permission has been granted, it all depends on how quickly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with Pfizer, can deliver the first shipment to Hungary. Viktor Orbán told Kossuth radio on Friday, December 18,

vaccination will begin on December 27 or 28, with 35,000 vaccines arriving in the first round,

this amount is given to healthcare workers (vaccination is not compulsory for them either, but the Prime Minister would very much like everyone to inject the vaccine).

Asked about ATV, Péter Szijjártó said on Friday that he could come to Hungary for a Chinese vaccine this year, if the Hungarian pharmaceutical authority agrees, but did not specify which one. With the Chinese, said the foreign minister, a sales contract is already being negotiated.

In relation to mass vaccination, that is to say “residential”, the operative tribe only repeats that “it will begin at the beginning of next year”, there is no exact date. Viktor Orbán put it this way in a November public television interview, “there will be partial relief towards the end of December, around January, and a launch in April.” In other words, it is awaiting the arrival of the dose in April, with which the population can be vaccinated on a large scale.

Who gets the vaccine first?

The health workers will receive the 35,000 doses that Viktor Orbán will arrive from December 27 to 28. The vaccination course is systematized by the vaccination plan, of which much is still unknown, the operative trunk leaks information. The vaccination campaign has already been launched in the United States and the United Kingdom, and if we start from its method,

Health workers are followed by chronic patients and nursing home residents, followed by the population by age group, from the oldest to the youngest.

This is also the WHO vaccination schedule.

In China, law enforcement agencies took the lead after health workers, and Viktor Orbán also suggested in a November public television interview that in the first round, in addition to health workers, “those who work to support public order “and” the most problematic patients “would receive the vaccine.

How many vaccines come, how many people can be vaccinated from it?

An important difference between the vaccines is that one of them must be given in two doses after a few weeks, so more ampoules must be ordered. According to operational staff

the government has so far contracted 17.5 million doses of vaccines from various manufacturers.


Ágnes Galgóczi revealed that in addition to the Pfizer batch, the cabinet concluded 11.5 million doses, so if the figure of 17.5 million is still correct today, 6 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine will arrive in Hungary in the next few months. As at least two doses of this type of vaccine are needed for protection, it will be enough for about 3 million Hungarians. Gergely Gulyás even spoke in November that we had a vaccine with AstraZeneca and Janssen. At the moment, we asked the operative body and abroad, in vain, from which manufacturer the dose could come, we received no answer.

What vaccines can come?

Following the joint EU decision, the American vaccine will reach the EU member states, including us, in the first round at the end of December. Vaccination starts with this medicine because the European Medicines Agency can authorize the vaccine in a few days. Based on a previous government announcement

We have also immobilized shares in AstraZeneca and Janssen, and the government wants to obtain Chinese and Russian vaccines (Sputnik V).

(AstraZeneca announced in early December that it would continue to develop its vaccine with the Russian Gamaleja Center.)

There are currently seven vaccines in the world that have been started with early / limited use or pharmacovigilance: Pfizer / BioNTech (BNT162b2), CabSino Biologics in China (CanSinoBio), Gamleja Center in Russia (Sputnik V), Russia Vector Institute (EpiVacCorona) , two vaccines from China Sinopharm (one is BBIBP-CorV, the other name is unknown) and Sinovac Biotech from China (CoronaVac). With the exception of the Russian EpiVac, the unknown name Sinopharm vaccine, and CanSino Bio each must be given in two doses, which will be important information when it turns out that you are buying one of them in Hungary.

What vaccines are already available in Hungary?

The Hungarian Medicines Agency, the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Safety (OGYÉI), is currently analyzing the documentation for the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and a Chinese vaccine.

Sputnik V is in phase 3 clinical trials, but may be temporarily marketed for non-commercial, non-commercial use if authorized by OGYÉI.

(This is possible thanks to the European Medicines Agency, but you must also receive a final authorization).

We don’t even know which type got us on Chinese drugs, according to the G7, according to government statements so far.

We can hope to have received the Sinopharm vaccine, but we have two of those, we have no idea which one it could be.

Péter Szijjártó did not reveal this in his Facebook post about the arrival of the vaccine, and OGYÉI has yet to comment. The Sinovac, Sinopharm and CabSino Biologics vaccines in China are also in clinical phase 3 and could be administered to the general public under the same conditions as Sputnik, ie subject to an OGYÉI license. Whether we are talking about the Russian or the Chinese vaccine, OGYÉI will be perfectly sure that the indicators of quality, efficacy and safety are adequate (these tests are already carried out in Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the phase). , there is no reason to fear that we will not be given a drug that is not properly controlled under political pressure.

Both Russian and Chinese vaccines can reach the public only if OGYÉI has given permission to use them.

Who can authorize the use of a vaccine in Hungary?

The European Medicines Agency, i.e. the EMA,

since the pedigree license issued by him is also valid in Hungary.

Or the Hungarian authority, the National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI).

Acceptance of any vaccine destined for the market in the EU is subject to an authorization from the EMA, but in an emergency (due to the coronavirus situation) it may also be temporarily authorized by an authority of a Member State (i.e. OGYÉI ). depending on the Member State.

Will there be a charge for the vaccine, will it be mandatory?

The following was clearly stated on in November:

the government provides vaccination against coronavirus for free,


as soon as it becomes an effective vaccine without side effects. Anyone can use the vaccine, but no one will have to be vaccinated, this can also be read on On Friday, the European Union was able to buy from producers at what price, here it is:

How can we signal our need for the vaccine?

December 7

the Hungarian government has launched, where anyone can register for vaccination.

This is actually a needs assessment, it does not mean that whoever indicates here that they will be vaccinated will automatically receive the vaccine as vaccines arrive, so that people can receive them according to the vaccination schedule. If there will be several proven vaccines in Hungary, you can choose what you want to inject. Retirees age 60 and older can indicate they are vaccinated by submitting a form in the mail.

(Cover Image: Nicolas Armer / picture alliance / Getty Images)
