Index – Economy – Viktor Zsiday: There will be a holiday, there will be a festival, there will be no end of the world


The closures are needed primarily to prevent deaths and the collapse of the health care system. Because the vast majority of hospital admissions and deaths are also elderly and severely affected by disease, others (with a few unfortunate exceptions) often have symptoms between colds and flu, so if the elderly are vaccinated, it is important to maintain the restrictions. it doesn’t make much sense, neither healthy nor financially

– writes one of Hungary’s most respected portfolio managers on his blog.

According to him, 20-30 percent of the European and American population will go through the disease in spring, “that is, they will not be susceptible to it for a while, they will get immunity; this is exactly the same epidemiologically as if they had been vaccinated” .

He adds: If at least 20 percent of the most vulnerable population can be vaccinated by May, the disease will almost certainly disappear.

The expert concludes that vaccinating not a large part of the population can avoid overloading health care, even if it does not reach a large part of the population, but added to many cases of diseases, the problem largely disappears by the summer.

“And since there will be many vaccinations for the second half of the year, there will be no economic breakdown due to the virus later on, and there will be no obstacle to a serious recovery from the end of spring,” the publication said.

In summer, tourism can resume

The virus has created an unusual situation, tourism can be relaunched in the summer, as expected, said Zoltán Guller, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ), on Monday in his opening video uploaded to Facebook. He noted that even in the best of cases, it would take at least ten months for the sector to reach pre-epidemic levels.

In the current situation, he described as a fundamental objective to be able to wait for tourists when they start again, and for as many people as possible to continue with their activities, to be competitive players in the future of the tourist relaunch.

Last year was a major breakthrough in tourism around the world, including Hungary. The sector, which provides a livelihood for hundreds of thousands and more than 13 percent of GDP, was “completely down” in March 2020 in 60 days, he said.
