Index – Economy – Tomorrow there will be no slack


The grace period expires after a few days, and as of February 12, the number of those who have accumulated six months or more of health service contribution debts will be invalid. All this means that those who do not have a valid dairy license, although they still have the right to state health care, will receive the treatment, the necessary treatments and then a bill for the intervention in question. At list price.

The Ministry of Finance currently estimates the number of Hungarians who are leaving the system, that is, between beneficiaries and insured, at more than 70,000 for belonging to that certain number of six months.

(After HUF 7,710 and HUF 257 per day, those affected will have to pay HUF 8,000 per month from the beginning of the year, which has changed to HUF 270 per day).

So that the contribution of the health service is in order, now that the coronavirus vaccines are arriving in Hungary, particularly important. The government provides the vaccine for free, but only to those who have multiple thistles.

– this to a question from the members Bence Rétvári, confirmed by the Parliamentary Secretary of State in the Ministry of Human Resources.

In other words, a person who does not pay the health care contribution for more than six months after accumulating a debt of 48,000 HUF cannot receive a vaccine against a coronavirus.

Who counts as insured who is provided free of charge in domestic healthcare?

On the one hand, we can talk about the insured and those who have the right to healthcare under different titles in addition to the insured. The former are typically full or part-time workers, recipients of job search assistance, certain primary producers, and sole proprietors and social entrepreneurs. The latter are mainly retirees, full-time students, people with disabilities and those who receive maternity / paternity benefits (csed, gyed, etc.) or are in a situation of social need. All are cared for in the domestic health field without NAV subsequently issuing an invoice for the service. If the person is not insured or does not have the right to medical care, they must pay a contribution for medical care.

Valid vs. invalid milk card

On July 1, 2020, a new regulation, more commonly known as the Leash Act, passed into force in December 2019, which excludes free of public health for all those who do not pay social security contributions for six months.

In the end, the government failed to deliver on its promise that emergency and life-saving benefits would be an exception.

Unexpectedly, in late August last year, a decree issued by the Ministry of Human Resources was issued stating that anyone whose number is invalidated due to debt must still pay emergency benefits. After that, there is a relatively frequent criticism from both a professional and public point of view that it is

a new law will only put the most vulnerable, such as those who do not work through no fault of their own, in an even more unworthy position.

It mitigates the edge of criticism: there is generally a 45-day grace period in the system after which a contribution to the health service must be paid. For example, if someone has worked but ended their employment and has not yet found a new one, they are still entitled to medical care for another 45 days. Provided it has been reported for at least 45 days without interruption before termination.

The payment obligation will end, mutatis mutandis, if we have an insurance relationship or are entitled to receive medical care. The health care contribution can be paid by another person or body instead of us, but this always requires the approval of NAV. This acquisition is called To report on data sheet T1011U.

The milk number will be valid again from the day after payment of the debt at the earliest. For example, any person who has a contribution problem due to their economic or social situation will not be able to pay the health contribution on time, they can request quotas, postponements or reductions of the NAV, but only if the legal conditions are met.

Are you sure your tb is ok?

We have compiled the most important rules about the contribution of the health service.

(Cover image: The waiting room of the newly handed over various health centers in Kiskunfélegyháza on June 14, 2019. Photo: Tibor Rosta / MTI)
