Index – Economy – The people of Budapest are tired of the fight between Viktor Orbán and Gergely Karácsony


Slowly, three-quarters of a year ago, the coronavirus epidemic has left its mark on our daily lives, and it is perceptible that this problem is broad for people. They long for peace, quiet, security.

The people of Budapest are without a doubt, which is perfectly visible from the Portfolio survey, which for the first time publishes an investigation on the evaluation of the problems that most determine the lives of the people of the capital. To prepare it, NRC Kft., Hungary’s first company specializing in online market research, was commissioned. In November, the company asked 1000 Budapest residents between the ages of 18 and 65 for their opinion on the evolution of the capital over the last 10 years, the areas to be developed and the most important daily topics.


Of the 1,000 respondents, 925 believe that in times of economic difficulties due to the coronavirus

the main task of government and local governments is to protect jobs.

However, there is an even greater agreement (95.7 percent) that the capital and the state should work together even if they have political differences, 94.9 percent say they should dialogue with each other even if they have the support of others parties, while 930 think that instead of looking for excuses, leaders should focus primarily on finding solutions to Budapest’s problems while developing the city without increasing taxes and borrowing.

Consequently, 80.8 percent of those who completed the questionnaire do not agree that the Budapest City Council should take out a large loan with risk of debt due to the economic consequences of the coronavirus. However, according to 82.2 percent of those surveyed, this also requires the government to take over the developments of the Metropolitan Municipality, thus easing Budapest’s budget, while 885 see that the current government must support the capital. but you can’t take care of it.


In terms of development areas, there seems to be

There is the highest demand for hospital construction and renovation among Budapest residents,

followed by the modernization of public transport, the promotion of housing, the creation of housing and the improvement of housing conditions, while the development of bicycle lanes, the construction of cultural institutions and the development of sports and leisure facilities are in progress. the end of the line.

The issue of transportation is also extremely important to Budapest residents, with the majority expecting that HÉV vehicles with an average age of 44 will be replaced by new, air-conditioned, low-floor vehicles as soon as possible – respondents rated it with 8.2 on a 10 point scale. However, many are also confident that the interlocking tram will develop further in the southern direction of Buda, so that it will be possible to travel along the Danube.

The most important development areas according to the people of Budapest
hospital construction, hospital renovation
development of public transport
housing development, housing creation, housing conditions
establishment of quality green areas and public parks
construction of roads and bridges
center renovation
Conversion of the Danube embankments for pedestrians and bicycles
cycle lane development
construction of cultural institutions
sports and leisure facilities


How to reduce traffic in the city center is a big dilemma in Budapest. Opinions are already more divided here, although the majority (813) see the solution in the development of public transport, but many believe that the situation could be improved by modernizing the suburban railways and the railways that connect the agglomeration with Budapest.

However, many people are opposed to the introduction of a congestion charge in the city center.

(23.8 percent), restricting automobile traffic by directing and closing streets (23.4 percent), closing and delivering automobile routes and lanes to bicycle and pedestrian traffic (17.4 percent), and increasing traffic parking fees (10.6 percent); percentage).

At the same time, 767 of those surveyed disagree with the need to significantly restrict car traffic in favor of bicyclists, which is why the majority oppose the creation of bike lanes on Grand Boulevard.


As has been demonstrated so far, the issue of transportation is unavoidable among those who live in Budapest, so it is not surprising that the first five developments in the last ten years include the renovation and expansion of tram 1, the introduction of new buses , subway cars, trams, The remodeling of Metro 4, the interlocking tram network and Metro 3 was carried out based on the responses. In contrast, the Grand Boulevard bike path is closed in lieu of car traffic and the Puskás Arena is closed at the bottom of the list. Respondents rated the questionnaire three on a five-point scale based on how good they think these developments took place in Budapest, although the survey was conducted before the Hungarian national team made it to the European Championship after defeating Iceland. .

(Cover image: Gergely Karácsony and Viktor Orbán. Photo: Sándor Bánkúti / Index, Tamás Kovács / MTI)
