Index – Economy – Support may be enough for restaurants to survive. But what comes after 30 days?


Restaurants close, home delivery only possible (although factory restaurants may be open). Hotels cannot accept tourists, only business travelers. According to Viktor Orbán’s announcement on Monday, the new restrictions will be introduced for 30 days. At the same time, the state, at the proposal of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, supports hotels, reservations made until November 8, and reimburses 80 percent of them, provided that its employees are not fired and paid. But people abandon hotel reservations at the last minute due to the epidemic anyway, precisely because it is unpredictable what will happen in the next few days.

The situation is similar for restaurants and leisure facilities, where there is no contribution for workers for the next 30 days and the state reimburses half the salary, the conditions are the same as for hotels.

If such austerity is epidemiologically necessary, then there is nothing to do, it must be accepted, health is the most important thing.

– Tamás Flesch, president of the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, told the Index, who said he was pleased that the state was helping to maintain the workforce, but

even so, restaurants and hotels face serious problems, important cuts.

“The support may be enough to survive. However, we do not know what will happen after thirty days, it cannot be planned. It would be good if the government decided to extend this support for a longer period of time. “

Health is paramount

One of the worst things about the current situation is the lack of prospects of not knowing what tomorrow will bring, it cannot be planned because restaurants find it difficult to close one month, open the next and then close again and reopen .

Gianni Annoni, owner of the Pomo D’oro restaurant, agrees, as he understands the latest measures.

We expected the rules to be tightened, we see what is happening around us, what restrictions have been introduced in Europe. Unfortunately, there are also many infected people at home and the most important thing is medical care. We tried to see the glass half full, so we are happy with the help and support provided by the government, and we move on to home delivery and takeout.

Gianni told our newspaper.

The restaurant owner is confident that the restrictions will improve the situation for the next 30 days and allow them to reopen in mid-December. He sees the sadness in people because places in Hungary are closing again, but in the current situation we have to be understanding. Guests are still welcome until Wednesday, and there are even many table reservations in the last two days, many still want to go to a restaurant before closing.

Significantly worse is the Merry Ladó, which has just opened its doors in a few days.

We would have opened this week or next. Old colleagues have come to the new place, we are trying to hire everyone at least minimum wage, but now we do not know what the next step will be. Home delivery was not originally planned but now we are working to make this happen and furthermore we are sure that the new adjustment will only really last for a month and we will be able to open the restaurant for guests also in December.

– said Krisztián Óo, Merry Ladó’s commercial manager.

(Cover image: Food messengers during the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic in Budapest on March 17, 2020. Photo: István Huszti / Index)
